Joke of the day

It's a BOY! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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What could go wrong????????????????????????????????????????????????
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What could go wrong????????????????????????????????????????????????
Lemmee see, here, Pump Action, probably a Mossberg or similar, modified tube to be able to load additional rounds, Prefers deer slugs and has a full tube with one in the chamber and the safely off. Did I miss anything? Oh yeah, officer has allergies and sneezes a lot.
That burning container ship off Vancouver Island lost a bunch of those sea-cans, Apparently they are floating around the sound and ending up coming ashore along the south coast. Think the insurance company might get some ticked off if a few "buccaneers" with tow lines and big inch outboards showed up and proceeded to exercise their right of salvage.
