Joke of the day

Not disagreeing with the facts of the situation. Just not happy about how guilt and innocence seem to have been relegated to the court of public opinion and mass media. Things have become so bent that instead of innocent until proven guilty, it is now just guilty as assumed, no proof required or solicited. You are quite correct in asserting that he pulled the trigger. No dispute there. But there is a range of perspective that can be applied here that goes from total accident to pre-meditated murder and the media seem quite willing to ignore the accidental aspect of it and go straight for the felonious.

If anything, Baldwin may have a lawsuit pending against the props and armorers for something known as "injurious reliance" Summarily he relied on the supposed expertise of others to create and maintain a high level of safety for all present and working on the set, and it didn't happen. His reliance on that presumption led to the discharge on an unsafe weapon and someone died as a consequence.

Hey, I'm no lawyer here. I'm a firm believer in the adage that sharks don't eat lawyers due to professional courtesy. I'm also surprised that Baldwin stopped and took the time to confront the papparottzi (sic) and respond to their pestiferous questions. I also note that while he was doing it, his wife was carefully and meticulously using her cell phone to record every question and questioner as well as the answers that were given. No chance anyone can try to spin or edit what was said. Good for her.

And I think ole Bugs tends to get more grief today for having a cigarette in his mouth than he did for challenging Yosemite Sam to a shootout. It has only been within the last 125 or so years that dueling has been discouraged by society. The NRA is pro right to own/carry, not so much in favor of having a cheroot in your chops while at the gun range.

The best variant on the theme that I ever encountered was a novel entitled, "The Right to Arm Bears". The cover, in glorious color, showed a fairly large brown bear, wearing a brace of bandoliers and toting an automatic weapon of some kind. Now totally out of print and costs $$$$ if you can locate a copy somewhere. A copy is on my "To add to my Library list."

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Must'a hit a bump or something.
As a soldier, we all load our own ammo. No excuse for mixing a live round into a magazine of blanks. So in my mind, if I am "shooting at someone" with a blanks gun, I damn sure would LOOK at what I was shooting with. What does it take to crack open the revolver and LOOK at what was loaded? 10 seconds? Instead they relied on someone else to do that for them and this is what you get. I look forward to the huge lawsuit that will no doubt follow.
He obviously doesn't know gun safety
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