Joke of the day

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So the Gen Z'ers are all about that metric system, hub?

Dee-pends. Up here in the land of the frozen chosen that is, pretty much, the situation but it predates the "Zees". The boomers were about the last generation to grow up and think in fractions, miles, and gallons. Any group after them was slowly being mentally poisoned with the opiate of metrification. Think of the Zees as the final result except that they are so inculcated with the disease that is metrics that they can't even talk using speech; for them it is a cell phone or tablet or they are mute. Some exceptions apply.

Supposedly the whole business of the warrants was the Army's way of getting around the business of aviators having to be officers. Think it dates back to the Key West meeting of the minds post WWII. Once the Air Force finally got its *ss out from underneath the thumb of the Army it thereafter took monumental care to zealously guard its rights and prerogatives. When helicopters got introduced, and the Army began to go Air Mobile, The Air Force was all over it and demanding that their fliers ought to be the pilots, not Army. The Army borrowed a leaf from the British who had used NCO's as pilots during the war and introduced the warrant to end run the whole officer shtick by running Non-Coms through flight training for the Huey's and making them Warrants on completion. Not to say there were no genuine army pilot officers, just that it cut down the whole production drill of creating an officer and a gentleman and then trying to teach him how to fly. Think the Marines went more for the warrant approach cause it made life simple which meant there was more time left to blow thing up and edit the gene pool as necessary.

When I was with the 16th Engineers the head of my S-4 was a Chief Warrant CW4 left over from WW2. He began as Enlisted and worked his way up to Chief. Great guy like they hardly ever make anymore. Spent his whole life in the Army and never regretted a minute.
We got one like that before up in Atlanta. It said 'please remove bushes from around your box if you want mail delivery to continue' or something like that.

I think they even sent someone to measure how much to trim. I cut them down all the way anyways because I was allergic to the damn things, it's why they didn't get pruned regularly.
On an overly long sucky friday today, me & 2 co-workers (which I do like) were discussing possible other employment. I said for me at the age I'm at now along with my collection of injuries, I'm pretty limited, but I do have 1 option I should be qualified for.

PROCTOLOGIST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I've worked around all sorts of a s s holes for years now. 🙄