Re: Just a rant Atlantic Nationals
Good Afternoon all! Please allow me to introduce myself! I am Bill Doherty, Chairman of the Atlantic Nationals and a true and hard core GM Guy. I own a 31 Chev 3 window, a 35 Pontiac 3 window, a 56 Olds 88, a 64 Riviera and... an 85 Olds 442. I have read and been very dismayed over the stories regarding various "rejected" cars from registration at our Show. First, let make it perfectly clear, we are a not for profit Show, entirely put together by 7 volunteer guys working doggone hard to try to put forward the best Show we can. We are joined on the weekend of the Show by 300 volunteers. With the variety of events, various venue and sheer volume of people and vehicles at the Show, it is impossible to please everyone, and yes, we do make mistakes! I was interested to see a number of G bodies at the St Martins Show yesterday with Atlantic Nationals participant stickers on them! I personally love these cars, including the 2 door Malibu as well as the more popular Olds 442, Buick Regal, GN's, GNX's, Monte Carlo and SS and the entire family. Now let us look specifically at the G body issue and vehicle criteria at the Atlantic Nationals. As stated, there were many in the show and a very few that were not. All events have rules, I read those carefully as I signed up for this forum! Our basic guideline is that all pre 19879 and older cars are eligible for entry into the Show. If 1980 or newer, they must be rare, collectable, modified, pristinely restored and deemed of interest or be in the exception cars, those being newer cars purchased as leisure use and not as daily drivers. We cast this wide net as we want to INCLUDE as many vehicles as possible, while making certain our Show does not turn into a parking lot. For certain, G bodies ARE most welcome!! That said, we do look over ALL vehicles that are newer than 1979, and if deemed not up to speed, then they are tactfully turned aside. In the case of the 1981 Cutlass for instance, I have been told by 3 witnesses that our man on the spot was not rude, had a good conversation with the gentleman who presented the car, and told him that he was "on the right track" and when the car was finished, it would be welcomed. My Guy then provided two complementary tickets to the Show. In all of the information that I have read about this situation, the lady who was involved admitted that they simply ran out of time, and did not get an opportunity to paint the car in time. Now I build a LOT of cars. Quite often I miss a deadline for the final completion, but when it is not finished, it is not finished, and I leave the car home.. simple as that! I would much rather finish the car and present it fully completed rather than half done. That said, virtually every show has entry and eligibility criteria and we DO welcome the g bodies!! I have had a bunch of them over the years!! Love em all!! We welcome these cars at our Show. We had a number of them at the Show, and look forward to seeing yours at the 2013 Atlantic Nationals!! Please do not let a couple of instances deter you from attending our SHow!! We are always proud to say that everyone in Atlantic Canada buys into the Show and we are all owners. And as for the comments that we do not support the hobby, well show me another car show that actually supports and sponsors other Shows in the area!! We are all car guys on our committee. We have ALL built and or are building cars on our own!! We all help each other and other guys around with their projects... Now let's all get back on the same page and support the Hobby and enjoy our cars and ALL of the various Shows in the region!! Happy Motoring!!