Just a rant

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454muscle said:
Chris all I can say is keep trying to get in touch with the chairman of the show. There is obviously either a communication problem, or there are inconsistencies in their rules which make things unclear/confusing.

1. Either make it plainly clear what is and is not allowed in the show and what are the exceptions before hand, or

2. Train and educate your staff better or whoever it is that determines what cars are and are not allowed.

Otherwise, there will be more disgruntled car enthusiasts, and it will give them a bad reputation.

One thing you can mention in your email, Chris (in addition to the above), is that you are taking this story to the newspapers if you don't hear back from him within a certain time frame.

I received an email back from the chairman and he said that they will refuse cars so they can have more parking for the "better" cars. :wtf: What I can't understand is why the would turn away cars that are 25 years and older to have the place full of new Mustangs, Camaro's, etc.
I'm going to send him another email to see if I can get some better answers to the questions that I asked him. He pretty much danced around them with out answering them.

whitey said:
**** 'em , don't go ..... don't support 'em and don't be a whiner.

At no point was I being a whiner. Just trying to figure this sh*t out and see what other board members feel about the whole situation.

suffrn6 said:
if his two cars were Camaro's or Mustangs that they would be in no problem at all.
Sounds like another reason NOT to go to this event. I understand your desire for answers and clarification but, honestly, is this really even a show worth fighting to get into anymore? They have a built in loophole with their "we reserve the right to refuse" clause. You won't be able to change a rule based on feelings and opinion. Sorry dude, they make the rules. On a brighter note; it's almost the weekend. Go find a different cruise-in and have a good time.
I'm not trying to be cruel or callous here, but I kind of go along with DRIVEN on this. Find shows or cruises that will allow you to participate, then go and enjoy your car. Sounds like the situation that I had. Its like beating your head against a wall-feels really good when you stop. Like I said before, if they won't support you, don't support them.
Re: Just a rant Atlantic Nationals

Good Afternoon all! Please allow me to introduce myself! I am Bill Doherty, Chairman of the Atlantic Nationals and a true and hard core GM Guy. I own a 31 Chev 3 window, a 35 Pontiac 3 window, a 56 Olds 88, a 64 Riviera and... an 85 Olds 442. I have read and been very dismayed over the stories regarding various "rejected" cars from registration at our Show. First, let make it perfectly clear, we are a not for profit Show, entirely put together by 7 volunteer guys working doggone hard to try to put forward the best Show we can. We are joined on the weekend of the Show by 300 volunteers. With the variety of events, various venue and sheer volume of people and vehicles at the Show, it is impossible to please everyone, and yes, we do make mistakes! I was interested to see a number of G bodies at the St Martins Show yesterday with Atlantic Nationals participant stickers on them! I personally love these cars, including the 2 door Malibu as well as the more popular Olds 442, Buick Regal, GN's, GNX's, Monte Carlo and SS and the entire family. Now let us look specifically at the G body issue and vehicle criteria at the Atlantic Nationals. As stated, there were many in the show and a very few that were not. All events have rules, I read those carefully as I signed up for this forum! Our basic guideline is that all pre 19879 and older cars are eligible for entry into the Show. If 1980 or newer, they must be rare, collectable, modified, pristinely restored and deemed of interest or be in the exception cars, those being newer cars purchased as leisure use and not as daily drivers. We cast this wide net as we want to INCLUDE as many vehicles as possible, while making certain our Show does not turn into a parking lot. For certain, G bodies ARE most welcome!! That said, we do look over ALL vehicles that are newer than 1979, and if deemed not up to speed, then they are tactfully turned aside. In the case of the 1981 Cutlass for instance, I have been told by 3 witnesses that our man on the spot was not rude, had a good conversation with the gentleman who presented the car, and told him that he was "on the right track" and when the car was finished, it would be welcomed. My Guy then provided two complementary tickets to the Show. In all of the information that I have read about this situation, the lady who was involved admitted that they simply ran out of time, and did not get an opportunity to paint the car in time. Now I build a LOT of cars. Quite often I miss a deadline for the final completion, but when it is not finished, it is not finished, and I leave the car home.. simple as that! I would much rather finish the car and present it fully completed rather than half done. That said, virtually every show has entry and eligibility criteria and we DO welcome the g bodies!! I have had a bunch of them over the years!! Love em all!! We welcome these cars at our Show. We had a number of them at the Show, and look forward to seeing yours at the 2013 Atlantic Nationals!! Please do not let a couple of instances deter you from attending our SHow!! We are always proud to say that everyone in Atlantic Canada buys into the Show and we are all owners. And as for the comments that we do not support the hobby, well show me another car show that actually supports and sponsors other Shows in the area!! We are all car guys on our committee. We have ALL built and or are building cars on our own!! We all help each other and other guys around with their projects... Now let's all get back on the same page and support the Hobby and enjoy our cars and ALL of the various Shows in the region!! Happy Motoring!!
Re: Just a rant Atlantic Nationals

Ohh My.. Yes I did reply to Chris, however a number of issues were explained in my reply, which I will happily provide to any who would like to see it!! Amongst a full description of our position, I DID say that we "do not have infinate parking space available" which is absolutely the position we are in. I did NOT say we were reserving space for "nicer" cars... We are NOT car snobs, and I am feeling some reverse snobbery here..One of our concerns here is that as the Show continues to grow, people with EVERY category of vehicle are pushing the limits. I had a cat with a rusted out, beat up, mid 1980's Ford pick up, regular cab, long box extremely mad because we did not welcome him with open arms... With a Grand Prize of a complete turn key 1932 roadster, GM Crate engine, trips, Welders and much much more, the Show is being inundated with vehicles that would not go to another Show ever, and they are simply trying to gain admission so they can go to our dance, get a better parking space and well.. get a chance to win a fab prize. We have seen it all, from registering a 32 and showing up with that 32 sticker on a new car, to simply entering well, not so great cars. I am not here to pick on ANY cars!! But the reference to us being picky, or allowing trailer queens, simply is NOT the case... Ours is a FOUR day Show. The first day sees all those in attendance travel a 56 mile, one way country cruise route.. Not for the trailer queen I am sorry to say.. Each night we have a Woodward style Dream Cruise on the City Streets.. again, NOT a trailer queen event... We do not mind constructive criticism or good suggestions, but do NOT take what we say and turn it around just to create controversy. We are ALL in this hobby.. We are a small group... We invite folks from ALL different types of cars and enjoy ALL of them!! Work with us, and we will all benefit!!
Like the old claritin commercials said... There's something to be said for clarity.
Bill, thanks for checking in with your rebuttal. I'm sure you guys have your hands full with an event of this magnitude. Throw in the 300 volunteer aspect and I'm sure there were more than a couple misunderstandings. The way the complaint was initially presented (at least as I understood it) was that this was an open show that allowed any year car but was discriminating on the basis of arbitrary taste. There was no mention (until page 3) that it was a Pre-'80 show that reserves the right to include newer cars based on rarity, collectability or high level of restoration. There is a huge difference. As long as your rules were clearly stated to those that preregistered, I have no gripe with you. I think it's cool that you comped tickets at the gate too. In the case of the rusty Ford pickup guy, and those like him, I'm sure you'll lose no sleep. Like I've been saying for 4 pages, there's plenty of shows out there. If my/your car doesn't meet the criteria for one, we're free to find another. Now, if the rules weren't clearly posted (and I haven't personally seen an entry form or a webpage to judge for myself) then your organization has some work to do. I, for one, would be more than seriously disappointed if I drove my car several hours only to be turned away at the gate due to poor wording or omission on the organizer's end.
Thanks for posting Bill. I wasn't trying to steer people away from the show in Moncton. My biggest complaint was the cars being turned away from entering, and having all the newer Mustangs, Camaro's etc being in. Most of these cars are not modified at all, while some of the cars that were not deemed worthy have had quite a bit of work put into them. But hey it's your show and your rules. I wasn't trying to bash the show at all I was just ranting. I hope that you have continued success in the future and get more cars each year.
You said in your first post that you don't want the show to turn into a parking lot but with the number of newer vehicles there that is what seems to be happening. Maybe you should look into raising the year limit on the cars now that the G bodies are over 25 years old, as long as its not a complete pile of junk. Just my 2 cents.
Yesterday in St Martins was a very nice show with a lot of nice cars out there. I did stop and look at your 64 Riv and it is a very nice car. Was hoping to see you by your car so I could introduce myself and talk to you. Maybe see you in Sussex for Balloon Fest.

EDIT: chevy76montyman, where'd your post go. I was responding to your idea for a post-'72 show.

You know, that's not a half bad idea. A show that was restricted to '70s and '80s only would include things like fox body Mustangs, 2nd and 3rd gen Fbodys, alot of Darts and Dusters, Gbodys, disco Novas, custom vans and lowrider pickups -- and that's if you restricted it to domestic cars. If you included imports, custom motorcycles, and boats (drag and daycruisers) of that era it could be a pretty interesting event. You can call it Boogie Nights :lol: .
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