Lets see your garage

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Feb 4, 2011
Jasper, Tennessee
This is my garage it's too small to park a car in so it's my hangout and tool and toy storage, LOL!!


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garage? what's that? :rofl:
It's the only place that i have for my tool storage,build engines and to work on smaller parts, basically a poor man's man cave untill i can build a real mans garage a 60x40 hopefully soon!
I'm in the middle of trying to get mine re-organized. I just bought a media blast cabinet and I need to find out where that's going to go. My days of using chemical strippers are over!
So the '67 GTO project had taken over my 2-car garage, and the '88 Cutlass, '01 Grand Prix, 79 Buick and '96 Roadmonster wagon were all sitting outside.

My wife was about to kill me having all those cars parked in front of the house, and I'm sure my neighbors were getting ready to complain about all the cars out front too. The Grand Prix and the Roadmonster are our daily drivers, but the Cutlass T-top and 79 Buick were both in the driveway too, and I hated to see them sitting in the sun and rain, especially since the Cutlass leaks some...ahhh GM T-tops.....

SOO after looking locally and all over the state on CraigsList I bought a BIG used RV carport up in Fort Worth and put it together in my rear-side yard next to and behind my garage. Huge erector set..anyone else put one of these together?? 10,000 screws, lots of elbow grease and ladder-work. Mine was made for and RV, so it's TALL. Was fun putting the roof on.......ouch.

Well I got the carport done, and then my Dad pitched in to help build a fence and gate. It's SO nice to have a big shady, breezy place to work outside. I love it. The cars are locked out of sight behind the gate, safe from sun, rain and hail...it's awesome.

I have room in my driveway again, it's SO WEIRD! Ha! Plus it's neat to sit on the screened-in porch in the back yard and have my toys there...and the side door from my garage opens out to the carport right behind the fence, so getting to my tools in the garage is cake!

I'm feeling spoiled having all this working area. I still remember laying in the parking lot of my apartment working on my cars not that long ago. :lol:










Since these pics above were taken I've put down Roadbase gravel under the carport. Better than parking on dead grass, but I'm planning to put pea gravel on it to keep the dust down. You are never done! :wink:

Took three trips to the rock place and shoveling out three yards of Roadbase gravel from my buddy's loaner pickup. I like it, just wish I coulda lift my arms when I got done.....LORD I'm SO out of shape!!






A Man's garage(s) are his castle, SHE can have the house! Ha! :lol:
I dig it man, also like your cars. man i wish mine was more organized like yours every time i do something i have to move other things out of my way even to get on the computer i have to move my tool cart but man its the bomb whenever i need it just load the tools and roll them just outside the door i could build a carport on the end i guess it would be a drive thru carport though. i plan on finishing the driveway on out to where my future garage is going to be if i could just save money LOL!
81X11 said:
A Man's garage(s) are his castle, SHE can have the house! Ha! :lol:

AMEN to that brotha!!

Here's my lil hookup. I call it "Tha Roc Shop"








Other work bench All my electrical stuff done here...



Hood fabbed Spray booth :rofl: Hey..It worked out tho..



After buildin on the old American muscle car I can build some muscle in "Tha House of Pain"



Old vid. I finally got some lights up in the "shop". Still need some one the other side over my Monte. Comin together tho..



Just taking my time with it. I had planned on doin a nice checker'd floor and painting the walls, but I decided to get the area functional so I could work on my cars. im happy with it. When my peeps come over they all say "DAMN!! This looks just like a shop!!" :mrgreen: Cool. Thats what I was goin for..If you wanna see some ridiculously clean garage setups, checkout..


Elco Warren 8)
Bumpin1ohmSS said:
81X11 said:
A Man's garage(s) are his castle, SHE can have the house! Ha! :lol:

AMEN to that brotha!!

Here's my lil hookup. I call it "Tha Roc Shop"

When my peeps come over they all say "DAMN!! This looks just like a shop!!" :mrgreen: Cool. Thats what I was goin for
Elco Warren 8)

you went for it and did it well bruh. i know for a fact when i was there it was on point and i know you have more plans for it down the line.

Now heres my setup in a small 1 car garage but its cool for me. i dont have pics of it really so heres a youtube clip enjoy 8)
I've been meaning to clean it up but I've been busy....
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