I have a good friend that from time to time reminds me that "you have to go look at every one" if you're going to find a good one.
I'm always amazed at the people that immediately go to lowball mode before anything is really known about the car....I have known a couple people that have been offended by lowballers, who then cannot buy the car for ANY price. Especially older folks...they operate with a different outlook...the kind where a handshake meant something. Sometimes you just have to suck it up and pay the asking price if it's good stuff. Of course, asking ONE time IN PERSON what the best they can do right now never hurts. BUT, you have to be prepared to honor (honour, for my northern friends) your end. Personally, I never negotiate on the phone...seems like craigslist is really bringing out the lowballers/cheapskates that want to grind on you without even seeing it first. So much so, that I have begun to dread trying to sell anything. Recently sold my S10...28 calls, 18 hagglers on the phone, 3 lookers, 1 buyer...and at the asking price...because he could see what he was buying was worth the money.
Sorry, soapbox just kind of fell in front of me