Well we are a week into April and it's time to get this thing out of hibernation and back on the road! I only drove it maybe 4 or 5 times the whole winter and I don't even think I put 100 miles on it during that time. I've been driving it here and there for the past couple weeks, and I hosed it off today (it has a layer of filth on it from sitting) and vacuumed out the interior. So far so good, it fires right up, the A/C is still blowing cold, the heat is still hot, everything seems to be working. I kept the battery inside on a tender during the coldest months but it did spend some of the winter in the truck. The next few days are supposed to be dry and fairly warm so I'm planning on doing a thorough wash and wax and general cleaning. I really hate cleaning cars but it needs it bad. I may change the oil even though it's not bad, it just sat through the winter. There's a few chips on it that need some touch up and the wipers need replaced, but other than that, it shouldn't need much of anything. The inspection and emission stickers are up at the end of the month so I'll have to take it to work and throw some new stickers on it. Then I should be set for some summer cruising!