My Ford Truck Project (And Other Projects)

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Another ideal donor-

I wouldn't be entirely opposed to an automatic transmission donor as it's not hard to swap in a ZF5 at the same time or even later on. Auto to manual is a lot easier than the other way around.

Agreed, heres even another.

Just goes to show there are plenty of them out there. I'm pretty much looking through the whole country, you know me, I don't mind traveling for a good deal.
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It's late and I didn't proofread this, but here is a bit of an update. First off, something I've got to think about. I don't know why this hadn't crossed my mind before, but before I go full diesel frame swap and all- a 5.8L and a ZF5 swap directly in place of the 5.0L and the M5OD, same wiring, same accessory brackets, same mounts, same driveshafts, etc. Just swap the computer, which is a plug-in deal. No paperwork required.

And setting my engine ideas aside for a moment, today I reluctantly began addressing some water leaks. I say reluctantly because it's an issue I've been aware of, but I've been ignoring because I absolutely dread water leaks. This isn't fun work for me to do, it's not even fun for me to discuss it, but I want to document it so here goes.

Much like G Bodies, these trucks weren't exactly precision welded on a jig to begin with, and the two rounds of body work that has been done probably hasn't helped any. I did address a couple leaking areas when I installed the CB radio, and the leaks are now smaller than they were. They really only show themselves after a very heavy rain or pressure washing the truck, and the water always winds up in the same place- inside the door jambs underneath the sill plates. The sill plates have to be removed to even see the water. The carpet is never wet.

As I said I've been ignoring this for a little while but after a heavy rain last night, it's finally bothering me enough to repair it. I didn't have a lot of time to work on it today, so I pulled some of the interior trim and hosed it down with the goal of just finding the source of the water, which I think I've accomplished. And fortunately I don't think they are the result of any of my work. The first two leaks I found are very small, at the top corners of the windshield. The next one I found seems to be the worst one and it's around the lower driver's door hinge. I couldn't tell exactly what part of the hinge it's coming from because there is some foam in the cavity behind the hinge that needs to be removed, but I know it coming from the hinge area.

Side note on that foam, it is NOT the rigid pillar foam I used in the course of my repairs. If you remember, my neighbor did some of his own less-than-professional repairs toward the end of his ownership, and he used a lot of Great Stuff spray foam, which is what that foam is.

Hopefully the weather will cooperate tomorrow and I can do a little more on this.
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20190817_134308.jpg20190817_134257.jpg20190817_134229.jpg20190817_134318.jpg20190817_134312.jpg20190817_134329.jpg20190817_134337.jpgmy baby 02 250,and my new 99 350 "project" thee ONLY ford trucks I will EVER own and need😉-7.3-BULLETPROOF-
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I wouldn't be so quick to discount the idea of a 4bt swap. 4bt powered step vans are still out there at reasonable just have to be patient. And an M5r2 is an ideal transmission for a 4bt. The link below is a build thread of my 4bt swap into a 93 f150 that I did around 10 years ago.

No disagreeing that the 4BT makes a great swap, but define reasonable and patient. I haven't seen one locally at any price in almost 3 months and the last one was listed at $6k. Then I still have to get rid of the van once I've gutted it. The junkyards won't take them.

Back to dealing with my water leaks, it's been raining on and off all day so I've been working on it as the weather cooperates.

I got most of that foam dug out of that cavity and now the water is coming in from somewhere else. I've traced it to an area higher up along the a pillar but the source is hidden by the dash. It's still winding up in the same place, the door sill. I'm going to have to pull the dash at least partially so I can see where it's coming in from. I removed the windshield trim so I can clean and caulk around it.


Water trickling in on the driver's side-

A better look at that cavity-

Source of the windshield leak on the driver's side-

Where the water is puddling on the passenger side. I just brushed that seam sealer on-

I've started removing the dash-
I started working on pulling the days this morning and kind of got on a roll, I decided just to pull the whole dash. It was a fairly simple operation, drop the column, remove the parking brake, disconnect some wire connectors, one vacuuum connector and the bkend door cable, 4 bolts on the driver's side, 3 small bolt on the passenger side and 4 small screws across the top. I had to remove the shifter and I had to cut two wires for some of the equipment I've added, one for the RKE and one for the auto dimming mirror. I'll probably just use some heat shrink bullet connectors to put them back together so I won't have to cut them in case I remove the dash again (which I will have to do if I do a PSD swap).

I'm breaking for lunch then I'm going to start spraying it down for leaks. I called my paint supplier this morning and had them mix up a pint of green paint in Shopline JE for any touch ups and when I picked it up I got a tube of 3M clear seam sealer. I forgot to get a quart of POR-15 so I'll have to go back for some.


I pretty well busted my *ss on this all day, just finished up for the day q few minutes ago. Here's where I wound up-


So the worst of the leak actually seems to be coming from under the steering column.



There is also one leak at the top driver's side corner of the firewall. It's a little hard to see, but there is a bead of water on that vertical seam-

I also pulled off the cowl panel just to make sure there were no leaks coming from it, and fortunately I don't think there are, but the seam sealer inside was nasty, like globs of mud, so I pulled it out and I'll reseal those seams.



And as I already knew, there are two smaller leaks around the top corners of the windshield and there may be one at the bottom corner of the windshield on the driver's side, but it's hard to tell. I'll be hitting it with seam sealer regardless.

This will probably take me a week or so to get back together and again its not fun work, but it needs to be done and the worst of it is over.
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