Need help laying out my garage

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G-Body Guru
Aug 31, 2007
New Jersey
My garage is a one car attached garage. It houses my wagon, and was filled with stuff. Most of whoch was simply never cleaned out when it was no longer needed. I filled so many garbage cans I can't remember but was cleaned up enough to fit a motor, trans, air compressor, one tool box/rollaway and another bench top box, and plenty of other things. My basement is filled with machine tools and model trains so that's a no go for any extra storage, and the already packed shed is further filled with car stuff, in addition to the bikes...
I only have 2 pic of the garage. One empty and one with the cutlass in there, tucked ALL the way over(I was working on the passenger side door). Also the vid is a cold startup of my wagon, but it really shows you how tight it is. Yes the front bumper is right up against the cases of oil, and there's only about 3" on the passenger side. On the driver's side there's about 9" to 1' depending on the specific location. And you'd be amazed that I do ALL my work in that garage unless I have to do it in the driveway.

(things have changed a bit, more stuff, in the garage since the pics were taken in 07, and vid in early 09)



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