Just a follow up: Went and looked at the car in person today. Talk about bringing memories back. I had it in my head, that I was going to go in all gung-ho and be like, hey, I know it's got stuff wrong that you didn't say, and this, and that, and use a jerkish tactic to get him to sell it cheaper. All of which went out the window as soon as I touched it again. It looks exactly as it did then, the only exceptions being that they took a pry-bar to the trunk lock cylinder, and broke the ignition cylinder as well, to start and move the car. Otherwise it might as well be out of a time machine. Fortunately, he's of the same mind as myself - he'd rather see it in the hands of someone that's going to keep it together, and not turn it into a derby or stock car. So we agreed on his asking price, with him offering to bring it to my house (only about 5 miles) on a flatbed trailer next Saturday, and I'll start a build, or rebuild, thread at that point. I also decided to e-mail the ex and her husband, and offer the options for the car's plans, to see what they feel about it. No doubt it will be a shock to hear, so I expect that they'll take some time. She might have a reaction of omg I want it back! but then have to sort out the logistics of where to keep it, all that lovely stuff, but that's not my worry right now. Either way it goes, I'm excited to get it here next week and start toying with it. First thing on the list: Wash. I don't think I posted a picture of it as it sits now. My signature is a picture I had taken of it the first time I was in FL and saw it. The attached is how it is now, so it certainly has some room to get back to glory.