Hey guys, just got a break from work and I've been following the thread. I like the idea of roller motors and more hp, but i must say again I am looking for this motor and drivetrain to push 20s with no strain. I want to cruise and jump on the freeway and chirp the tires once in a while and not constantly fret over the motor. To lilbowtie, your advice is appreciated and will probably be what i will do. I wish we did live closer together, I'd make an excuse to leave work and go straight to you before your mind changed 😜 There is a local machine shop that will sell a rebuilt 350 block heads and all for$1200, and if i want upgrades it will still be under$1800. If i keep the th350 can i still run the 308s? Or just get that out of my head? Im thinking because the wheels are heavy, more torque on the gears would help turn them. I am not sure which is why I come to the forum, I just make the cars shiny. Thank all of you for your input, it is appreciated and valued.