Ummm... Yes. Most of the country is still employed as the unemployment rate is only around 10%. Even during the Great Depression the unemployment rate maxed out at 25%. However, the "Fundamental Changes" to the US economy that he is proposing are what is scary. Plus, it is Obama and the Democrats who want the much higher mileage standards. You can't blame that on Bush or Cheney. As much as I may have distrust of large corporate entities, I fear large socialist entities more. At least with corporations I can opt out of their products. I can't opt out of the government control that exists in the country I live in. After all, control is the "Change" Obama believes in, namely letting him have more control over our lives. Stricter environmental laws, nationalizing the heath care industry, etc. are all aimed at strangling the choices out of the average American and forcing them to become more a part of the state's machine than an individual with free choices.