In one way the lack of regulation could go that way, but I tend to see the present time as fundamentally different than the past. Today it is very hard for anyone to control a market for an item due to the internet. The internet has done more to bring down pricing, and even large corporations than anything before it. It is the market economy on speed as now anyone from anywhere in the world can sell to anyone provided both parties have access to a internet connection. This tends to mitigate against monopolistic practices unless regulations prohibit the sale of items from people of one nation to another. While there should be some minimal regulations against things like lead laced crayons for children, adults should have the choice to buy whatever they choose. Also, the massive amount of data out there acts as a sort of consumer protection scheme as bad products get panned online much faster than government regulations can act. I am not saying it would be a perfect system. If that is what is expected, then you will always be disappointed. However, I do believe that the internet age represents a fundamental seed change for humanity. If we can keep from destroying our society with wars and instead learn to live and let live on a global level, then we will continue to expand the interconnected nature of our world and use the internet to speed the development of mankind. However, this too is a dream as well as we all know that mankind cannot live at peace as long as ambition exists. Some men strive to improve technologies with their ambition, but some use their ambition to dominate others. Like everything else in human civilization, ambition is both beneficial and detrimental to our future. Sorry... I'll stop rambling now...