If you're very careful and confident in your abilities, scotch brite pads could work on the walls if it is really caked on there and if you plan on honing it really good before pistons and new rings, and probably ridge reaming. The new rings (you're doing that, right??) will NEVER seal against that. At this point, I just had my buick crack checked, hot tanked, and done 30 over for around 200$. If you're gonna do it, I suggest doing it right. First time buick Builder to another. I'd hate to see this awesome gem of an engine grenade due to some cost cutting. I'm sparing no expense, which is tough to do on a 7.25/hr income. 😀 OH. Fun little tidbit: The connecting rods on these buicks will only go on the cap a certain way, and it will feel VERY off if you have them wrong. The little indents for the bearings need to be on the same side of the big end of the rod. Also, when it goes back together, get some feeler gauges in between two rods on a given journal, find the biggest one that will fit, and torque the rod bolts to spec with them on both sides. Then take the feelers out and you should have no rubbing!