and like anyone in human history, sure there was a jesus but he has been made into a legend, an idol, a demigod. I wouldnt be surprized if the guy was sacrificed on a cross. The problem i do have however is where is the proof? Wheres the cross, wheres the grail, wheres the arc of the covenant ? I need hard evidence for this.
The guy who said that the jews made christians look bad, really has his head up his *ss. The jews were the original christians, related to the 12 desciples of jesus supposedly, that is what the whole entire story of the old testiment was supposed to be about. The lineage of jesus. You really need to get your facts straight, study some more before you laugh at me, a student of history and philosophy for over 6 years. Megladon has his facts straight, I dont even need to say much more. Hes right, actually lucifer is technicaly the nicer of the two.
oh and lastly, if you think our country is so great, perhaps you should read the accounts of ben franklin, or perhaps our good friend ole george washington. youll find out that these 2 men in particular were far from being christians. They were athiests. Its also interesting how you say our country has gotten worse. So I guess your pinpointing that the years during 1861-1865 and before were great years. Slavery rooted in our country, the last of the big 3 countries to outlaw slavery lol. But those are good ethics. Yes your surely rght our country was once good but now has gotten worse. Lets not forget about WWII or Vietnam, but those times were better as well right? Actually the world has gotten more and more peaceful. once people like you, and the idiots are finally wiped out, perhaps there might be something close to world peace but that time hasnt come upon us yet. I look forward to that day. Europe for the most part has woken up though
who the hell are you to say what the jews say are true or not, who are you to say that what christians say are true or not. Any evidence you protest from the bible could be wrong, it was written by people who had their own bias beliefs.
actually christians have been given a bad name due to the contstant wars throughout history, maybe you should read about fleet of admiral perry in 1851, when the so called converts wouldnt convert in china to christianity they were slaughtered, as were the converts in Africa when England, and France traveled there. I also assume the native americans, their gods, beliefs thats all rubble too right, even without knowing the real god the holy spirit they are wrong too for not knowing. The fact remains that christians are hated in this world because people are sick and tired of their bullshit beliefs, bullshit ethics your either with us or against us, sounds more like the damn sith from the star wars movies then anything.
Christianity has been thrown out in most places due to the fact that people simply dont need it, we as people have realized that there is no evidence, truth, moral need for the bible. Now that that world is a more open connected place. People now are more mobile, able, and motivated to seek out their own beliefs rather then listen to what the masses used to say. It has nothing to do with bad people pushing religion out. Afterall if that was the case, christianity would persevere, the thing is its not. Im sorry to say but your battle and any other nutcases battle for religion has failed. That again is why our country is so hated in the world, becuase our people american people are the last of a stupid dying generation in the world. ITs why we are laughed at around every corner.
To the guy complaining about dave being able to say what he pleases your right he is, but guess what the flip side si htat i have the same right to post what I please. Hell if I want to post up a bunch of satonic beliefs in the off topic subject I will. Afterall its my given right to do so just as he does. I could care less if I am criticised for my beliefs. lol Me and the rest of the world know the real matter at hadn, we look back at you old fools, the conservatives, and laugh. Obama isnt great, hes not a ******** though. You cant blame one guy for his policies, its alot more then that, and i dont even care to talk into it, ive spent enough time on this thread have a nice day