Our father God and Savior Christ

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BRAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA......You are so over the top its unbelievable. I agree with you about people not having minds of their own, watching Jersy Shore and wearing whatever the trend is, but you act like its ALL that our country is. I know A LOT of free thinking people who arent like that. And to call me scum just shows how ignorant you really are.
first off, lets TRY and keep it reasonable. insult the ideas and concepts, not the people. (and yes i know i've been guilty of it myself)
europe is no better than the US. materialism may have been perfected here, but it was created there--think about it lambo, ferrari, etc fashion, hey it's what italy is known for. the US is just more ecclectic and the fad changes more often.
people hate the US for a lot of reasons, we stick our noses in other business when it suits us, but oftentimes when we should do so we don't bother--it's not in our interest, we are the leading superpower--people always hate the one at the top, and yes we tend to be arrogant and try and push how we believe and live onto others.
if i could like your post i would megladon. I know im ignorant arrogant basterd im an american afterall. But im not an american who believes in false prophecies and needless sh*t.
Those that say Jesus was just a teacher, cultist, etc... Name me another carpenter from a small town that never traveled more than 10-12 miles from home, lived 2000 years ago, didn't have access to radio, TV, newspapers, etc...yet had profound impacts on everyone that has lived since.
Jesus, what's in a name? Eternal life, that's all! 8)
Well. Letting this post go un-answered went well. :roll: Consider that a failed experiment. Tone it down a bit folks, sheesh.
What do you mean "failed expierement", gp403?

1986montecarlols, like megalandon said, do you think that materialism and people being mindless sheep is only reserved for the USA. Its just as bad in Europe....theyre trendy as hell over there. Yes religion is less prevalent, but people are just as retarded. People are people, wherever you go. Youre the guy who was posting about how bad his life sucks at the moment. Sounds to me like youre just angry at the world. Learn to deal with sh*t, dude.
This country was indeed founded with strong christian roots, no question about it.
The catholic church IS the origional CHRISTIAN religion, that's a fact. Jews ARE NOT christians. Hence the word CRISTian.
Martin luther does have credit for starting protestant revolt which became the lutheran christian church everyone knows that.
Abraham was stopped by an angel before offering his son as a sacrifice, he did NOT kill his son it was just a test!
Just because someone or a group of people are christians dosen't mean they never make mistakes or do sinful things. Sure there have been bad apples throughout history, but that's human history in general.

The basics of christianity are very moral and "down to earth" I don't see how anyone in there right mind could argue that. Seriously think how much better and less stressful life would be if EVERYONE actually followed the 10 commandments! No more killing, lying, cheating, stealing, greed, jealousy, etc. This is not even fathomable without some serious pondering because we are so used to the way things are now.
God loves ALL of us, yes even atheists. Even while in severe agony on the cross he prayed for the forgivness of the ones who put him there!
You want some more examples, how about Siddartha, the oringal buddha, buddhism has a larger hold on the world and population of people then christianity has ever held. The religion is also older then as well. Or perhaps we should take Lao tzu, or confucius, maybe mencius. These people all existed 1000s of years before a man by the name of jesus ever existed. They also thought of the rule by law, gov, and morals way before the 10 commandments were ever thought of. Christianity is nothing more then another version of ethics passed down from man to man over the centuries.

Your right, I am pissed off at the world, read about existentialism. Read some Immanuel Kant, Neitzche, and Koffman and ull see why it is exactly im pissed all the time. David hume also has some good readings.

I will say it again as a student of history for over 6 years, luther didnt start the protestant movement, a man named zwingli as well as others started the movement but it was luther who took the credit because by the time he got involved in the movement it was in full swing. Jews are christians, they are the most full blooded christians ever to exist. Its the primary reason for the problems that are oin going in the city of david to this day between christians,- (jews and judaists, and muslims. Ya people need to get your facts straight, either that or sit and do some reading, your info you get is all wrong.
jews are not christians. to be a christian you have to believe christ was the son of god. jews do not. but the rest of the christian religion is, in fact, judaism.
cdg; religion is less prevalent in europe? uhm, the centers of most christian religions are in europe. many holidays are still celebrated there, that aren't here. i wouldn't be surprised to hear that a greater percentage of people go to church/synagogue/mosque there. but i think they have fewer fanatics, or it's just that their media concentrates on real news instead of celebrities and crazies.
carpenter: thank you, that's what a christian response is supposed to be. unfortunately very few people seem to realize it.
(thanks for the reminder of the angel--but i have to hold to the fact that god ordered it and did not stop it. someone else had to stop it. it also raises the question, if god is omnipotent, shouldn't he have known abraham was loyal or what not, without a test?))
megaladon6 said:
jews are not christians. to be a christian you have to believe christ was the son of god. jews do not. but the rest of the christian religion is, in fact, judaism.
cdg; religion is less prevalent in europe? uhm, the centers of most christian religions are in europe. many holidays are still celebrated there, that aren't here. i wouldn't be surprised to hear that a greater percentage of people go to church/synagogue/mosque there. but i think they have fewer fanatics, or it's just that their media concentrates on real news instead of celebrities and crazies.
carpenter: thank you, that's what a christian response is supposed to be. unfortunately very few people seem to realize it.
(thanks for the reminder of the angel--but i have to hold to the fact that god ordered it and did not stop it. someone else had to stop it. it also raises the question, if god is omnipotent, shouldn't he have known abraham was loyal or what not, without a test?))

I don't know that much about jewish beliefs, but I'm pretty sure there are alot more differences between christianity and jedaism than just believing christ was the massiah. Yes jews BELEIVE in Jesus, the just don't believe he was the son of God. Christ is the main focal point in christianity, so that in itself makes them completley different.
The angel was sent by God to stop abraham from killing his son, so it was still God putting a stop to the sacrifice. God supplied Abraham with the ram that was tanlged up in the bush to offer as a sacrifice in place of his son.
God is all knowing, so yes he already knew what the outcome would be with abraham.
The question of omnipotence is a very hard thing to wrap our minds around, I have tried and the more I try the more
i realize how limited the human mind is. We are so stuck on time and space, that it's impossible to grasp the concept of God's capacity and capabilities because God is not limited to time or space.
I encourage you to follow the link I posted earlier in this thread, this guy has a really good story about how he came to his beliefs, He does a good job of explaining common questions and misconceptions about the christian faith.
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