Our father God and Savior Christ

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regal, do you even read the posts? you ask about the crucifixion. i already talked about that, go back and pay attention.
so now you have decided that you can pick and choose what part of your holy book to listen too? what gives you that power? what happened to your faith in said document?
yes abraham is a murderer, at the express orders of god! look throughout history and you will find that many popes were indeed murderers, but they did it for glory and power. (sometimes theirs and sometimes the churches)
where did the jews renege? their agreement was with god, not his son. before they had received the word directly, and they expected that to continue.
and you say that jesus says everyone is the child of god, so that would include the jews now wouldn't it?
like i said, THINK throw off the shsckles put there by the church and look at the ACTUAL words of christ. oh right, the vatican had those books seized and buried. but you have some of it in the bible, try living by them. peace love for your fellow man, yada yada. christ didn't put conditions on that, neither should you.
hell, have you even read the bible? ever?
Whether Washington or Franklin were atheists or not, America was still founded on Christian ethics. At one time in America, people had values and hadn't suffered from the mass dumbing down of this society by those who control the educational system. People didn't go around calling everybody an idiot who they might not agree with. You bring up wars of the past, but apparently you have no clue who manipulated America into these wars. In pre-civil war days, you know nothing of who the slave holders were, nor who is still clandestinely involved in sex slave industry around the world. What would I expect from someone who runs around calling people names for no reason, but brainless *ssh*les like you are a dime a dozen all over the internet.

Slavery part 1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUE0si2l ... r_embedded

slavery part 2
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDmdjC34 ... r_embedded
megaladon6 said:
regal, do you even read the posts? you ask about the crucifixion. i already talked about that, go back and pay attention.
so now you have decided that you can pick and choose what part of your holy book to listen too? what gives you that power? what happened to your faith in said document?
yes abraham is a murderer, at the express orders of god! look throughout history and you will find that many popes were indeed murderers, but they did it for glory and power. (sometimes theirs and sometimes the churches)
where did the jews renege? their agreement was with god, not his son. before they had received the word directly, and they expected that to continue.
and you say that jesus says everyone is the child of god, so that would include the jews now wouldn't it?
like i said, THINK throw off the shsckles put there by the church and look at the ACTUAL words of christ. oh right, the vatican had those books seized and buried. but you have some of it in the bible, try living by them. peace love for your fellow man, yada yada. christ didn't put conditions on that, neither should you.
hell, have you even read the bible? ever?

You seem to have a comprehension problem. Children of God is not the same thing, nor does it mean the same thing as God's Chosen people. Get it? :shock:
and as said, the decline in the church comes from many things, mostly the actions of the church and it's clergy. these actions can no longer be covered up as easily as they have in centuries past. maybe the church should take responsibilities for it's actions and stick to the teachings of christ. and it's followers should do the same. instead of spouting stupid racist bullshit.
megaladon6 said:
and as said, the decline in the church comes from many things, mostly the actions of the church and it's clergy. these actions can no longer be covered up as easily as they have in centuries past. maybe the church should take responsibilities for it's actions and stick to the teachings of christ. and it's followers should do the same. instead of spouting stupid racist bullshit.

Go take a walk through the ghetto if you need to find out who the racists are.
thank you for proving me right.
I live in the ghetto, perhaps you have heard of saginaw michigan maybe. lol or not. I dont know why you think that the pre civil war days were so grand,I guess in your mind though slavery is an ok thing, its a much bigger prospect then sex slaves, and prostitution idiot, those have been on going things since the dawn of time, even back in the roman days. I am not what you would call a brainless idiot. At least i have knowledge of several cultures unlike yourself. And so what, our country was founded in what you like to call as christian virtues becuase our mother land England ousted us, becuase they had already learned from their mistakes. Our country is young, has al ot to learn, but if you look through the pages of history ull see that almost all countries went through similar reforms of religion.We are just one of the last to do so. You sir, and david who ever his face is are just a group of people who are slowly going extinct in this world. Very little longer will we have to hear you guys complain about abortion, or gay rights, and other meaningless sh*t. I am glad megladon did a decent job of shutting your *ss up as I have done as well. You cant deny history, or the facts sir.

The best part is that you seem to think that the old days were better then they are now, i guess people such as yourself thinks that the puritan age was better, lack of medicine, slavery, non equal rights. hell you would make a really good friend to hitler, he also hated the jews as well. maybe you and him cant get a first class ticket to the revalation when that happens scumbag! its the people like you that gave america a bad name but slowly but surely your bieng replaced by more mind using people who use logic rather then faith for their reasoning and all i can say is Amen The End
Red Regal T said:
megaladon6 said:
regal, do you even read the posts? you ask about the crucifixion. i already talked about that, go back and pay attention.
so now you have decided that you can pick and choose what part of your holy book to listen too? what gives you that power? what happened to your faith in said document?
yes abraham is a murderer, at the express orders of god! look throughout history and you will find that many popes were indeed murderers, but they did it for glory and power. (sometimes theirs and sometimes the churches)
where did the jews renege? their agreement was with god, not his son. before they had received the word directly, and they expected that to continue.
and you say that jesus says everyone is the child of god, so that would include the jews now wouldn't it?
like i said, THINK throw off the shsckles put there by the church and look at the ACTUAL words of christ. oh right, the vatican had those books seized and buried. but you have some of it in the bible, try living by them. peace love for your fellow man, yada yada. christ didn't put conditions on that, neither should you.
hell, have you even read the bible? ever?

You seem to have a comprehension problem. Children of God is not the same thing, nor does it mean the same thing as God's Chosen people. Get it? :shock:

so now god is picking and choosing eh lol, i thought that god loved everyone as his son jesus did. I guess not though sounds kinda one sided to me
Oh shut up 1986montecarlo. I dont even believe in God, but to say that this country is hated because of religion is ****ing retarded. If you hate this country so much, get the **** out. Youre probably one of these people who cries because our money says "In god we trust" on it. Who the **** cares if people want to believe in God. You and all the Bill Mahrs' of the world are just as bad as DavidWilliamson preaching to us.

Oh, and to the guy who said that this country is going to hell because of how much we have strayed from our christian eithics, or whatever, youre a ****ing idiot too. Please be specific and explain to me what aspect of our " country failing" as you put it, is related to christianity.
religion is one of just a long list of reasons this country is hated, and going to sh*t. We constantly try to push our views on people in this country in the Vietnam war we did it, in the 1st gulf war we did it, and now in this 2nd gulf war we are trying it again. We did it in bosnia and yugoslavia as well.

What makes us any different then any other country in the world. France, Germany, Russia, England, all tried to control the middle east and each of them all failed too which resulted in the downfall of their empires how the hell are we gonna be any different. At least in those nations they were able to make some good inventions. The only thing we americans are good at is stealing a good idea and making it our own. Our country is full of stupid fools like david who say the world is doomed and is going to end soon. They complain about this and have since the last millenium but you know what nothing ever happens. Then you get other idiots like yourself and others who get all pissy when someone such as myself talks about how shitty your country is, how are people follow their gov, the media, hollywood like brainwashed frogs who have no mind of their own.

I see it everywhere i go, people dressing like everyone else simply because its the style and the way to be. They follow hollywood, watch jersey shore, and other reality tv shows becuase they follow what others are doing. Its a sad place that our country has come to, I agree but its al ot more then just religion. Its becuase people here are weak minded, have no sense of control in their lives. They are too afraid to act on their own, have their own views. In europe they are a lot less like that. They follow their eyes and ears and actually do as they please. They dont follow a book anymore that tells them what to do, they do as they want to do, they leave the pity things to the gov to handle such as healthcare, and other things. If you ever care to look

youd see that in europe people are generally happier, live longer happier lives, and you know what, they also make less money then we do in america, but you know what else. They are also a lot less materialistic. They dont need tp buy all the needless bullshit we buy in our country. You sir are scum just like the other guy in this thread, mr jesus himself. our country has come down in shambles because of people like you and him. ill be more then happy to leave this country once my education is complete so i can teach the world about our stupid country. at least in other parts of the world they have woken up to reality. Here in the states we are lagging behind, but the good thing is, what i believe in is in the horizon and what people like david believe are on the downfall all i can say is good bye to you bible toting basterds, and to this pathetic country we call the states. Ill piss on the ashes if im still alive when that day happens.
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