Pot is a religious right

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79malibu350 said:
pontiacgp said:
don't laugh too hard.....a couple of months ago the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council deemed the Grammy-winning 1985 rock tune Money for Nothing unfit for Canadian radio in its unedited version, after a listener of CHOZ-FM in St. John's complained about the use of the word "f-----t" several times in the song's lyrics.

notice that was one complaint on a song 39 years old.... :wtf:

i dont remember hearing f-----t in the song at all? perhaps i havent listened as hard as the Canadian Government.

He says " The little f-----t with the ear ring and the make up...."
pontiacgp said:
79malibu350 said:
Hey GP did this happen in Canada? I think i remember you being canadian......

yup it happened up here....there is another story up here where a guy who was buying his dope from legal sources for the medical marijuana program and he wants a refund cause his doctor said the dope is poor quality and not strong enough but the gov is balking on the refund....

Unfortunately I have heard the same story. I have had two people in my life pass away from Cancer. They were both scripted Dope to help them manage the pain. Both were originally given Morphine but the morphine makes them irritable, constipated, and not want to eat. Smoking the dope helps to take the edge off the irritability and give them the munchies. In a weird way it was kind of funny to see someone who used to scold me for smoking "left handed cigarettes" smoking the stuff. They came pre-rolled and everything. The medical grade stuff they gave him was NFG so a call was placed to a freind of a freind who still dabbles in the stuff. Once the good stuff was introduced he actually started eating again and sleeping a little better. He was near lifes end and anything to ease the pain was welcome.

There are good uses. You never hear of a Dope Head shooting up the place or getting into fistfights at the bar. The high of the dope is so much mellower than alcohol. I used to love the stuffs but after I had kids and got responsible I got paranoid LOL :rofl:
Im afraid i must interject there. A kid that was high on the stuff just down the road from me shot two cops a year or two ago. He killed one of them.
Im willing to bet he was going to do it anyway, and was high at the time. I have never known anyone who gets violent from smoking weed, and ive known A LOT of weed smokers. Im sure there are some out there, but alcohol has a much higher probability for making someone violent and crazy. Im not going to get into all the reasons why I think it should be legal, because I would have like 10 pages worth of stuff to read, and im sure no one wants to read that much crap, but I would just like to point out the weed is one of the few, if not the only drug that you cant overdose on.
79malibu350 said:
Im afraid i must interject there. A kid that was high on the stuff just down the road from me shot two cops a year or two ago. He killed one of them.
Yea i've heard stories like that but I personally think its just people looking for something to blame for it. I personally dont think pot would make someone kill unless they already had an existing mental issue. When something like this happens theres always gonna be something to blame. The same way Judas Priest's music "caused" two kids to try and kill themselves or how Marilyn Manson was "at fault" for the Columbine tragedy. Just my opinion . . .
My view is why should it not be legal for anyone unless it's for medical purposes. People always bring alcohol into the picture but alcohol is a beverage that comes in many different flavors. It's the flavor that most of us appreciate and we don't drink for the effect, savoring the flavor of a Grand Marnier straight up with a coffee on the side after a good meal is a flavor my taste buds enjoy. Whereas with weed you take a big drag then hold your breath for as long as you can to get more effect from the weed. What enjoyment is derived from doing that? Smoking dope is just for the effect and has nothing to do with making the day more enjoyable while in full control of ones self. Weed helps people to avoid the realities of the day.
pontiacgp said:
Weed helps people to avoid the realities of the day.

an alcoholic choses alcohol for the same reason. Bathtub Gin is the "crack" of alcohol. Good homegrown pot or hashish ( not that hydro crap that tastes like chemicals ) is like a good strong shot of Alberta Premium Rye Whiskey.

Really to each his own. I know potheads that won't leave the house and alcoholics who do the same ( but the potheads don't fall down the stairs or piss themselves). Point is that there are extremes to each situation. Hell tissue paper isn't bad for you but I seen a woman on Obsessed the other night who is hooked on eating it. If you are a destructive personality then you can find anything to hep you accomplish your goal.

So really comparing alcohol to a substance to be enjoyed purely for its taste is a bit of a stretch. I myself love a good glass of dry merlot. I love the taste, and the way it feels warm when you drink it and especially love the way it clouds the stresses of the day ! :mrgreen:
I drink for the taste AND the effect. For people who enjoy somking pot, it does make the entire day better, and they are in control of their selves. People dont "lose control" from smoking weed. Of course, their are excptions to everything, im sure a small percentage of people have smoked weed and totally freaked out, but I havent known any. Just for the record, I dont smoke weed. I used to, but I dont really like the feeling anymore.
If everyone starts smoking the weed, pretty soon we'll all be this guy

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