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for the most part i can agree with that--we are not breaking our alliance with the UK.

don't get me started on hillary. i live in NY, its bad enough having her as a senator. it'd be nice if once in awhile she'd actually do something for her "home state".
While I am a constructionist when it comes to the Constitution, you really can't compare the America of 1789 with the America and world of today. Back then, we were in what Alvin Tofler called a "First Wave Economy", meaning an essentially agrarian society composed mostly of sustenance farming and some manufacturing, particularly in the north east. Then we grew into a mostly industrial country, or "Second Wave Economy where we manufactured most of our own goods and were a major exporter of goods to other less industrialized nations. Today, in the "Third Wave Economy", we are very dependent upon the abilities of other nations to provide things essential to our modern way of life, and as such need to protect our interests in these other parts of the world. That is because we are shifting to a mostly information driven economy and have shifted much of our manufacturing base to developing countries where people will do the work for less money. Our economy is also VERY dependent on petro-chemical products like plastics, paints, etc. as well as fossil fuels. For that reason too we need to keep up a strong presence in otherwise useless (for our needs) parts of the globe.

This shift in economics is beneficial in times of peace, where we can take advantage of cheap labor to produce our modern-day "essentials" and improve the quality of life of the average and upper poor Americans. Unfortunately, it also makes us much more vulnerable. Should, say, China, decide it no longer wishes to trade with us, or OPEC or Venezuela take their oil away, our entire society would grind to a screeching halt. This was not the case even 50 years ago, but it is the case now. As I am laying in bed to write this right now, I am using a Chinese made Gateway Laptop. I have an Apple iPod next to me and it was made in China. My Motorola Razr cell phone that is also on my bed with me is made in China. In fact, probably 90% of the items in my room come from foreign manufacturing facilities. The Chinese have become quite good at making precision castings and electronics with decent quality. Take away the stability of any of the countries that we do a decent amount of business with and you hurt the average American. In fact, lack of stability is pretty much the only reason we do almost nothing with African countries and only limited trade in South America. We need to take a major role in world politics to protect our interests and those of our trading partners in order to preserve our own quality of life. This means alliances and making deals with some otherwise unsavory characters like Pervez Muscharif. It is too complex a world to just opt out of the affairs of other countries.
Oh, and Tony SS, I apologize if I was out of line. I was just trying to keep the conversation going and I have nothing against you. It is the internet after all, and sometimes we all post things online that we would never say in person because of the lack of actual human interaction that ends to make it impersonal.
As for my take of who the next President should be, I'm not sure yet. But as for the libs??? NO WAY!!!!!!! They are all a bunch of liars...Soviet Marxists!!! The Republicans I'm not sure...but Rudy is out, hes pro abortion and I dont like McCain either, he likes the illegal aliens. Time will tell I guess.
i think we need to step up and treat a president like he should be treated not as a ruler but as an american citizin. we need that man or women to step up and not speak for himself but speak for the people of this nation the odds of this happening are slim to none seeing these presidnets now days grow up around money and power and are easly thrown off.

thats y if u asked me i think the first presidents to rule were the gratest they were men just like everone else they werent rich they were out to make a difference on how people should live now a president gets in and its all about him
actually the founding fathers were rich or upper middle class. thomas jefferson and george washington both had large plantations and dozens of slaves. that's one of the impressive things about them, if they lost they would lose everything. the only poor president i can think of off hand was lincoln. i'm sure there were others and even more born poor, but thats all i can think of.

we need that man or women to step up and not speak for himself but speak for the people of this nation
hell yeah! not just the president, the senate and the house of representatives too. it'd be nice if they could stop voting themselves raises and new country cubs.
its pretty sad now that a president wins by electorial vote and not because of normal votes if they would stick to the majority rule bush would have never became president and maybe we could of had a president that would make a difference

plus it seems like if u dont have enough money your voice wont be heard meaning if u were a middle class or poor person trying to run and make a difference

thats one main thing that pulls me towards ron paul hes not goin and getting help from big busnises but hes asking for help from everyday people the majority of the people hes goin to represent

i think we need to raise a leader like many countrys would raise worriors
1980Gbody said:
its pretty sad now that a president wins by electorial vote and not because of normal votes if they would stick to the majority rule bush would have never became president and maybe we could of had a president that would make a difference

plus it seems like if u dont have enough money your voice wont be heard meaning if u were a middle class or poor person trying to run and make a difference

thats one main thing that pulls me towards ron paul hes not goin and getting help from big busnises but hes asking for help from everyday people the majority of the people hes goin to represent

i think we need to raise a leader like many countrys would raise worriors

Its a good thing that we won by the electoral vote in 2000. If algore would have been president, we would have no Gbodies, they would have been sent to the crusher and we'd all be forced to drive Priuses or walk!! And gas would be $20 a gallon!!
Yeah, we got a reprieve thanks to the electoral college. Gore would have signed Kyoto into law and basically handed all industrialization to the Chinese and Indians who are not bound by Kyoto. I may not have voted for Bush in the primaries back in 2000 ( I voted for Alan Keyes) but am much happier with him than I would have been with Gore. We would have seen our whole way of life ruined if he or someone like him gained office.
We got another reprieve tonight with Ron Paul's Iowa showing!

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