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hear hear!
I agree with you there Kris.
Well, there you go!

You see; it starts with what we CAN agree on, then it goes to how to fix the problem at hand. No matter how we got to this point, we have to fix the problem.

Realizing how we got here is useful for not repeating mistakes. Now everyone who cares about the country's direction has to figure out how to fix this mess. Obviously, picking a president (who is also the leader of the free world, like it or not) is a big part of the fix. For all of his faults, President Bush did one thing right and it is a BIG thing. He appointed the right judges to the Supreme Court. He didn't want to appoint the right judges, but he ended up being forced to. I don't care how it happened, the fact that it happened is good.

I believe the next president must be a person who will appoint judges who believe in the Constitution and not "interpretations for the day," as Clinton did. That will help the domestic situation.

We also need someone who knows how real economics work. This is where I agree with Ron Paul, because he understands the reality of this. I like Mitt Romney better because he has successfully practiced this philosophy many times publicly.

Last, we need someone who believes that America is the best. You don't have to be arrogant about it (I am often guilty of that because of my time spent overseas) but realize that the reason the world is as free as it is, is because of us. Plain and simple. That is where I disagree with Ron Paul. I don't think he believes in "American Exceptionalism" and I do. I don't believe that our foreign policy force others to hate us. I think it is the excuse that others who hate us use to gain support from the left leaning here at home.

I don't think I want Ron Paul to be the president because I want a "Reagan-esque" style military build up. He won't do that, and it will allow our enemies to use our military draw down as a symbol of weakness to bolster their campaigns. I was under fire for speaking out about that when we did that in Mogadishu and it is a bad idea. In the military, you are not allowed to bad mouth the President's policy even if he is an idiot.
you are not allowed to bad mouth the President's policy even if he is an idiot.

i think they wrote that article specifically for clinton. what is it, article 84?

I want a "Reagan-esque" style military build up. He won't do that, and it will allow our enemies to use our military draw down as a symbol of weakness to bolster their campaigns

that's one of the reasons i like FDR. he started rebuilding the military before WW2. of course the idiot before him didn't just cut them back, he slaughtered the military. have you noticed that our military really only loses in congress? for christs sake sweden and switzerland, two truly neutral countries, have strong militaries!
You can be charged with two articles, one is "conduct unbecoming," and the other is 86, the general article.

Don't ask me how I know!!! :doh:
my personal favorite is 92, violating an order. or as we called it in the navy, the bend over and take it article.
megaladon6 said:
actualli i beleive the origins on "eye for an eye..." is the torah, not that it matters.

Actually... the phrase "an eye for an eye" originated in the Code of Hammurabi, a codex of law enacted by the first king of the Babylonian empire, in around 1800BC. Some six hundred years before the writing of the Old Testament.
i stand corrected.
although to be an a$$hole :roll: --the "old testament" didn't exist until the christians at about 400ad ripped off the torah to make the bible. :lol:
megaladon6 said:
although to be an a$$hole :roll: --the "old testament" didn't exist until the christians at about 400ad ripped off the torah to make the bible. :lol:

Heheheh. Very true.
KrisW said:
Last, we need someone who believes that America is the best. You don't have to be arrogant about it (I am often guilty of that because of my time spent overseas) but realize that the reason the world is as free as it is, is because of us. Plain and simple. That is where I disagree with Ron Paul. I don't think he believes in "American Exceptionalism" and I do. I don't believe that our foreign policy force others to hate us. I think it is the excuse that others who hate us use to gain support from the left leaning here at home.

I don't think I want Ron Paul to be the president because I want a "Reagan-esque" style military build up. He won't do that, and it will allow our enemies to use our military draw down as a symbol of weakness to bolster their campaigns. I was under fire for speaking out about that when we did that in Mogadishu and it is a bad idea. In the military, you are not allowed to bad mouth the President's policy even if he is an idiot.

See, I disagree there, I think RP knows how great this country is and that's why he's running, to try and do something to get us back on track. And if by some miracle he does win, I think he will keep our military just as strong, but more focused on protecting our country, instead of nation building, etc.

I was never a Bush hater, but with things the way they are now, with the economy, housing, gas & food prices, the debt, health ins.... He really F'd things up in the country... and who pays price.. the middle class family is bleeding from the azzz.

IMO a Dem could very well win the election if things continue they are.
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