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Suckabee & Osama won... that shows how much Iowa knows. The media give's him 0 airtime and I'm sure FOX will exclude him from their debate coming up... So yeah - Mr. Paul's not going anywhere w/o any exposure.
I agree about Iowa, the only impact they have on presidential races now is negative.

They do knock the people that are down, out.

I did also hear that FOX will exclude Ron Paul, don't know if it's true...
well i just saw the dem iowa primary come in obama 38% i forget the name, huckabee? 30% and the b*tch i mean hillary 32%
I saw hillary at 29 in 3rd...

I agree with those statements mostly; I think all of the above are too liberal for my taste...
i seen that like 52% of the people voted because of a presidents religion how can u decide how someone will be in office because of their beliefs
The beliefs that people possess directly affect the decisions they make.


If someone doesn't care about God or believe in Him, then they are more likely to vote against issues such as prayer in school or "under God" in the pledge of allegiance.

Some of us out here believe that the removal of God from our culture is a huge reason that things are way off track nowadays. When you take away the reason for things to be right and wrong you allow people to pick what is right and wrong for themselves. That leads directly to the problems we have today.
people understand right and wrong without god. quite often people act wrongly because of their belief in god. morals and god are not mutually inclusive. hell, if you look at religious people in congress, morals and god are mutually exclusive.

personally i didn't like having god shoved down my throat at school. if a kid wants to pray during a free period that's fine.
If there is no God and people act as such, no one can ever be moral or immoral except by their own definition. This would indeed mean that morality can be determined by individual choice since there is no universal standard by which to judge things. So, if you do not accept the existence of God, you do not accept the existence of absolute moral judgments, only those coming from individual morality which can be both transient and situational. By reduction then, the only absolute is that which is legal or illegal and no one is moral or immoral. Unfortunately then, the only reason not to do something is because of legal consequences which can change by the whim of the majority.

For example, when the Muslim Hutus slaughtered over 800,000 Christian Tutsis in the African nation of Rwanda within a 3 year period in the late 90's or early 2000's ( don't remember exactly), it was both legal and moral as they saw it as a just cause by their own definition. Do we see it that way? Probably not. However, who's to say who is right without some sort of absolute moral compass?

I do not judge the morality of a given system of belief by the behavior of it's adherents. I judge it by the claims of it's texts as people are by nature imperfect. I would hope the whole of Christianity would not be judged merely based upon my imperfect life. I would hope instead that people would explore the teachings of Jesus for themselves as He is a much better example and Teacher than I could ever hope to be. All I can do is have the discussion with someone and hope I give accurate information.
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