Well, the kid gloves came off on the Olds girl in a big way today.
As mentioned above, Mike is recovered and feeling good again, so today he was over logging in time with me on Olds Cool.
I had got the majority of the rework done to the driver’s side quarter extension Saturday night, and when he showed up this morning, I just had a bit left to do to the top of it.
While I was doing that, he grabbed some 80 grit discs and the DA and got started on stripping down all the layers of old paint and primer on the trunk lid. I finished off the extension...
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...which then led into starting to block out the driver’s side quarter panel with 180 grit.
I had initially wanted to get to reworking the passenger’s side extension after finishing the driver’s side extension, but with Mike working on that side I wanted to stay out of his way. So instead I decided to keep rolling along with blocking primer.
Working from back to front, I methodically blocked out the entire quarter panel...
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...worked my way up into the sail panel...
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above the driver’s window, and eventually onto the roof. By the time the dust settled (literally) at the end of the day, I had the entire roof and “A” pillars blocked out as well.
Here’s pics of the roof:
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The dark areas you see in the photos aren’t low spots, they’re actually slight highs. What you’re seeing is the darker epoxy primer underneath showing through. This is to be expected, and for only the first prime and block session, I’m extremely pleased with how it came out. It’s not perfect, I knew it wouldn’t be, but it’s very damn close.
After I address a half dozen pinholes and take care of the edges, there will only be a couple spots to hit with etch primer on bare metal spots before the next application of high build. Considering the extensive amount of bodywork I’ve done in these areas, I think that’s pretty exceptional really.
The whole time I was block sanding my way into oblivion, Mike stayed focused and busted *ss on the trunk lid. By the end of the day, he had nearly half of it totally stripped down to bare metal:
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Pretty damn good really when you consider the number of layers of old stuff he had to strip off.
With the entire roof blocked out, I can stop there briefly, shift gears and return to reworking the last extension. Here’s what it currently looks like, all masked up and ready for an application of kitty hair:
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Tackling this next will inevitably lead into blocking out the passenger’s side quarter, sail panel etc, so that will finish off the last side nicely.
All in all it was a very rewarding day with us having gotten a lot accomplished.
Thanks for looking in on things everyone. Till next time, keep the shiny side up!