Thanks for the suggestions fellas.
Hutch, it was an option, and it was even suggested early on by Mike, but it really wasn’t the right way to go about fixing the problem. Not to mention it would have added a bunch more work that I really wasn’t anticipating. Factor in the amount of welding required, the possibility of warping, the additional bodywork, and it becomes less and less attractive as an option.
Like I mentioned before, a ton of other things down stream of the back window filler panel have to line up with the trunk lid. With the trunk lid moved as far back as I had it, I had large gaps between the lid and the license tag housing that didn’t look right.
But what bothered me more than that was the obvious difference in angles between the quarter extensions and the taillights when viewed from the side.
This picture illustrates what I mean. It doesn’t look all that bad in the pic, but in person it looked a lot worse.
View attachment 86687
I wasn’t happy with the way the top of the taillights appeared to sit in further at the top than the bottom. This actually has nothing to do with how the taillights are mounted, it’s actually the angle that the extensions mount to the quarters that throws off the look. Yeah, I suppose I could’ve shimmed the taillights to match as well, but again it would’ve been a half measure that didn’t address the actual issue, and then they wouldn’t have lined up with the trunk lid on the inside edges of the taillights.
Really, the only way to go about correcting the situation was to address the areas that were causing the problem in the first place.
That means going back in and correcting the angles that the extensions mount to the quarters.
Thanks Eric, I’m glad you like the way it’s starting to come together.
As far as your suggestion about “cheating the filler panel back from the window”, that’s not really feasible either. That would’ve left a big gap between the lower chrome trim (it attaches to the filler panel), and the window itself. The bottoms of the side pieces of chrome trim have to sit in the corners of the lower ones, so you can see how this would quickly become a compounding problem. As it stands now, the window filler panel lines up nicely with the sides of the quarters, so I really don’t want to roll it down at the front.
I won’t actually be losing any material from the back edges of the extensions, because the material I need to remove has to come off in a taper. I’ll actually just be pulling the tops of the extensions in and lining them up much better with the angles of the taillights.
Make sense? I’m sure it’s probably clear as mud by now...
Maybe these pics will clarify what I need to do: I’ve already modified the angle quite a bit, but it still needs just a bit more removed from the top, but not the bottom. The masking tape line shows the material I still need to remove to get the angle perfect:
View attachment 86690
View attachment 86691
If I do it right, the taillight bezels won’t protrude any more than stock, it should all look the way it’s supposed to.
Good looking out for me guys, thanks. I value and appreciate your input and suggestions. It’s always nice to have options provided to you especially when they’re ones you might not have thought of.