The big(ish) box...

The seldom used 3/4" sockets and gun, some 1/2" sockets, 4 various torque wrenches, a pretty comprehensive bit set, sensor socket set, canister filter socket set, more pry bars, CV axle poppers.

On the left is office supplies, on the right more misc wrenches. Many are ground down to fit tight spaces.

Spare screwdrivers, torx drivers, mini screwdrivers. Bolt cutters, chain wrench. I've since filled the empty pace with test leads and circuit breakers.

More plier, Vice Grips, more air tools and bits.

Hammers, punches, bushing drivers, files, tread chasers. Timing light, old school "engine analyzer", stethoscope, misc vacuum fittings.

Junk drawers.

Caliper tool, PowerProbe, PS puller/installer, OBD1 scanner, misc pullers, balljoint press, camber/caster set, slide hammer, axle bearing pullers. The red thing on the right can be used with a pipe or prybar to leverage control arms.
The hutch...

Gloves, books, etc in the cubbies behind the slider doors. In the shadow on the right is a power strip that everything is plugged in to.

On top of the hutch is where I keep the tap and die set, cooling system pressure tester, fan hub wrenches, and a hood prop.

Under the work bench is bottled water, a caddy for brake tools, vacuum bleeder, box-o-funnels.
The majority I've had for many, many years but just started seriously buying again over the last year or so. At this point it's pretty rare that I need to get into a coworkers toolbox but it still happens. When it does, I make a mental note and add it to my to-buy list. Compared to the guys I work with it's still pretty incomplete. It's all relative I guess. The lead tech has been at it for over 30 years and easily has 100k in tools and boxes. The owner has 25+ years under his belt and probably has the same, plus he technically owns all the shop equipment. 7 hoists, 1 huge compressor, all the hose reels, 2 large waste oil furnaces, 2 transmission jacks, a scissor lift, MotorVac, trans flush machine, AC machine, tire machine and balancer, press, band saw, welder, plasma cutter, broach, parts washer, blast cabinet, valve grinder, lathe, strut press, 4 oil drains, 4 large floor jacks, Modis and Genisys scanners, 4 computer terminals with Mitchel subscriptions, plus all the misc small stuff.
I have some catching up to do.