The first time I needed custom length pushrods I did not have access to a proper measuring device.
So I used a bit of an unorthodox approach.
After using the measuring tool and finding the right length,I put it on a piece of paper and drew a line at the top and bottom.I did this for both intake and exhaust,as in a big block they are different lengths.
I mailed the piece of paper off to Mike Lewis in California who then measured my marks and sent me the new Manton pushrods.
They were the perfect length and worked perfect !!
So I used a bit of an unorthodox approach.
After using the measuring tool and finding the right length,I put it on a piece of paper and drew a line at the top and bottom.I did this for both intake and exhaust,as in a big block they are different lengths.
I mailed the piece of paper off to Mike Lewis in California who then measured my marks and sent me the new Manton pushrods.
They were the perfect length and worked perfect !!