So I'm finally getting around to working on my engine for my Buick. I'm on a tight budget but I'm still want to get respectable ETs with the car when I'm done. Id also like it to last a good while. I want to put .030 pistons in it and a comp cams camshaft. I'm trying to do as little machine work as possible. The only machine work I want to have done is the cylinder bore and hone. I can hone the lifter bores myself with a ball brush hone and replace freeze plugs myself. My question is, can I remove the crankshaft and rods and just use new standard size bearings when I reassemble without doing any machine work to the crank or the main journals and rod journals? Or is this a recipe for disaster? The machine shop certainly seems to think its a recipe for disaster but then again, they are trying to sell me $400 worth of machine work that I don't want.