Greetings MonteSS & all; Haven't been on the forum much lately, so I take a little time to look & I see this! Brown soft smelly stuff, Damn, sorry too see, Murphy again. We've all met Murphy in the past, some of us more than once. I may be the senior member on this thread, so here's my .03 cents. Get a lawyer for sure, soon (period.). Don't be in a hurry to settle all this. You might get lucky & find a car guy lawyer. Now I'll toss in the senior story, I didn't drink much until the I got drafted (1966), but damn war changes people. I started drinking (& I'm a little guy) a six pack a day minimum. Doing the last two years (4 years Air Force, I didn't want to kill people) I was loose with that L-78 Camaro. Well I was rac'in one night, loaded up on too much beer entered a construction zone around midnight hit some sand & did a 360. Lots of stone everywhere including on top of the air cleaner & many chips. My passenger never rode with me again. That was 1969 & I have limited myself to 1 per hour, NO more than 2 beers. That's worked out well for the past 45 years. Good luck Bob Jr.
Ps: The Bronze Brick is still for sale.
Pss: Take care be patient.
Ppss: Don't forget the lawyer.