Rants and Raves

I am an adult. I should be able to adjust my own water volume and temperature at a public restroom bathroom.

Every public restroom sink I have ever used that has those laser turn on lights have the water flow of a child's squirt gun pistol (the ones with the trigger that make one stream when you pull the trigger) and water temperature similar to a lake the day the ice breaks apart.
I am doing the dreadful thing of trying to buy a suit. I don't want to offend anyone here but they make the suits thinking everyone is overweight. I take a 48 tall jacket and my waist is 33 but according to how they make the suits my waist needs to be 40-44. Shirts are the same thing, I take a 17.5 neck and 44 sleeves so the waist is huge. I just need the suits for work so I'm not interested in spending money for a tailored suit cause it won't make me more money than a suit off the rack.
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Can't standpeople who stop in traffic on top of a railroad crossing. Trust me it's no fun for the guy's on the train. Then if they do get hit somehow it's your fault cause your 5000 ton freight train couldn't stop in time or swerve out of the way.
This thread is .... weird ....
Public restrooms that require you pull the door handle to exit. (this should be a code violation). Restrooms that provide a weak hand blower that wont dry your hands but does a really good job of spreading herpes simplex 11.
Businesses that are too cheap to provide paper towels.
Can't stand people who stop in traffic on top of a railroad crossing. Trust me it's no fun for the guy's on the train
I see that all of the time in traffic situations and it is probably the same people that block cross traffic in the middle of an intersection since they just had to try to get across without any place to go.

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