Restore Trim

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Jul 4, 2014
Look for metalworkers and/or chrome restoration shops in your area; if you can't find anyone, buy a copy of Hemmings and look through the services section.

About two years ago I wanted someone to deal with un-denting and polishing the hubcaps on my Mustang, no one wanted to even look at them until a jewelry restorer pointed me to a rechromer in my area ... turns-out the hubcaps are chromed stainless steel so they knocked-out the dents and rechromed them, now they look awesome. This shop is Mance Plating in Imperial, PA ... Paul's Chrome in Evans City, PA, also does good work


Builder of Cool Shjt
Supporting Member
Feb 2, 2015
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
I called a few places and they want to charge me over $1,000
Best way to overcome that is to learn how to do it yourself. That's what I did.
The name of the game is patience. It's not really that hard. Get yourself a jewlers hammer and anvil (available thru Eastwood), some buffing wheels and rouges for a bench grinder, some fine files, and some fine grit sandpaper (400 to 1500 or 2000 grit). Work it until you're happy with it. Use the hammer and anvil to pick up and flatten out the low spots, use the file to knock down the highs, then work your way thru the various grits of sandpaper from coarsest to finest. Then proceed to polish it back to the high gloss with the buffing wheels and rouges in the same coarse to fine manner. I would suggest starting by practicing on an unused "junk" piece, and see how good you can make it. I think you'll surprise yourself. Be warned however, it IS very time consuming, that's why they want to charge you big $$$.
When you've mastered it and know what you're doing, then you can turn around and charge others to restore their trim for them and maybe even make some $$$.
(I'm speaking from experience here, btw, I've restored all my own trim after refusing to pay big $$$ to others to do it).


G-Body Guru
Oct 25, 2011
Thanks,The good thing is I have everything to do the job, but the bad thing is I don't have time. Guess I will learn how to do it to save the money, because I have spent to much on my car already. May have to ask you questions if I decide to do it myself. Also I wish I had your skills, your car is going to be a beast!!!!
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Builder of Cool Shjt
Supporting Member
Feb 2, 2015
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Thanks,The good thing is I have everything to do the job, but the bad thing is I don't have time. Guess I will learn how to do it to save the money, because I have spent to much on my car already. May have to ask you questions if I decide to do it myself. Also I wish I had your skills, your car is going to be a beast!!!!
When you've got the time, you've never got the money. When you've got the money, you've never got the time.... Or in my case, BOTH are rather scarce! Such is the way the world works I guess.

Seriously tho, if you need any help or have any questions, I would be happy to help in any way I can. That's why we're here, right?
Thanks for the kind comment on the car, btw. I'm long overdue for an update, I'll try to get one up soon.
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