Being rich in health and loved ones is much more important than anything and everything else. I'm sure you're aware.From a financial standpoint I have been blessed. As an engineering manager I made good money and have been an “HCE” for many years (Google it). My wife has a solid job and over the years we have lived off her income and invested the rest. My residential construction business and building spec homes has also provided more than we would ever need. These income streams and the stock market made me a multi millionaire while in my 40’s. Unknowingly I’ve been following Dave Ramsey’s plan for the most part. If you need some solid finance advice check him out. Money is really meaningless in the grand scope of things and I would trade everything for good health. Many of you know that 2 years ago I was diagnosed with cancer (LAMN / PMP). I’ve seen all the experts in the US and all options have been exhausted. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been told “ there is nothing we can do”. Just go home with your pain pills. I have been waiting for a clinical trial in Australia to begin. This is my only hope at this point. I’d appreciate your continued prayers for this. Remember not to take your health and loved ones for granted. It’s everything. Money is only a tool. If you made it this far thank you for reading my post!
Thoughts to you and your family - hang in there!!!