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Goat Herder
Dec 1, 2014
Upstate NY
From a financial standpoint I have been blessed. As an engineering manager I made good money and have been an “HCE” for many years (Google it). My wife has a solid job and over the years we have lived off her income and invested the rest. My residential construction business and building spec homes has also provided more than we would ever need. These income streams and the stock market made me a multi millionaire while in my 40’s. Unknowingly I’ve been following Dave Ramsey’s plan for the most part. If you need some solid finance advice check him out. Money is really meaningless in the grand scope of things and I would trade everything for good health. Many of you know that 2 years ago I was diagnosed with cancer (LAMN / PMP). I’ve seen all the experts in the US and all options have been exhausted. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been told “ there is nothing we can do”. Just go home with your pain pills. I have been waiting for a clinical trial in Australia to begin. This is my only hope at this point. I’d appreciate your continued prayers for this. Remember not to take your health and loved ones for granted. It’s everything. Money is only a tool. If you made it this far thank you for reading my post!
Being rich in health and loved ones is much more important than anything and everything else. I'm sure you're aware.

Thoughts to you and your family - hang in there!!!
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Comic Book Super Hero
Oct 2, 2016
What awesome stories. I look forward to hearing more.
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Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2006
From a financial standpoint I have been blessed. As an engineering manager I made good money and have been an “HCE” for many years (Google it). My wife has a solid job and over the years we have lived off her income and invested the rest. My residential construction business and building spec homes has also provided more than we would ever need. These income streams and the stock market made me a multi millionaire while in my 40’s. Unknowingly I’ve been following Dave Ramsey’s plan for the most part. If you need some solid finance advice check him out. Money is really meaningless in the grand scope of things and I would trade everything for good health. Many of you know that 2 years ago I was diagnosed with cancer (LAMN / PMP). I’ve seen all the experts in the US and all options have been exhausted. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been told “ there is nothing we can do”. Just go home with your pain pills. I have been waiting for a clinical trial in Australia to begin. This is my only hope at this point. I’d appreciate your continued prayers for this. Remember not to take your health and loved ones for granted. It’s everything. Money is only a tool. If you made it this far thank you for reading my post!
Hope you can find something to turn it around soon. You're absolutely right. There's nothing more valuable than your health. All the money in the world means nothing if you're not here to enjoy it. Although a G-body comes a pretty close second! :)
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Jeff Blagden

Master Mechanic
Aug 12, 2016
Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
I started out as a dishwasher at age 15 never went to culinary arts school but did get my red seal Now I am a corporate chef of a small hotel chain if I work to 65 I will have been in kitchens for 50 years so 7 years to go If I retire now I will have a good retirement if I make it to 65 it will be a great retirement
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Nov 2, 2019
Opportunity. I had planned on retiring at 60 since I was 50, but the mothership company (we were a subsidiary of) offered an early retirement for the first time in the company's over-century-long existence where they added years and service time if you parachuted out, and I jumped on that. Perfect timing. So I retired at 57 as if I was 61. The wife retired the year before I did. Retirement was calculated using your last highest 5 years' salary average over the last 10, age, and time in-service, so actually working a few more years wouldn't have added much to my retirement check anyway.

We have a fat nest egg stashed away due to years of 401k packing, and it's nice to know we don't really have to worry about money anymore. Being DINK (double income, no kids) was a big plus for us. No kids or grandkids bumming money all the time. Found out you can live on a whole lot less than what you think you can and still do ok. We'll probably need it though the older we get when Medicare and other health problems suck up a good portion of spare cash.

Could we have continued to work? Sure. But why? I haven't gotten to Social Security age yet but will soon. Wife just started hers, and it just all goes in the joint account. When we both are pulling money from SS, based on the estimates, we'll be bringing more home through pensions and SS than we did when we were working. Not even touching the 401k's. So we are still able to maintain the standard of living we were used to before, even with some pesky inflation. But still, nobody likes inflation.

And hopefully soon, we'll be able to get back to doing a bit more travelling that's been put on hold due to Covid.


Nov 2, 2019
I'll retire at 70. I've got about 1 1/2 years to go. My wife retired in '19 after 33 years with Blue Cross. Her medical is practically free. I filed at 66 for mine & since she was born in 1953 she can draw half of mine until until she reaches 70 where she will file for her full benefit. We are sitting pretty well as is.
For those of you who don't know this, 1953 was the cut-off birth year for when one spouse can file for full SS while the other draws half of the filer's.
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Lost in the Labyrinth
Supporting Member
Sep 18, 2009
Queens, NY
For those of you who don't know this, 1953 was the cut-off birth year for when one spouse can file for full SS while the other draws half of the filer's.
Unless you are a Federal retiree. The Government Pension Offset and the Windfall Elimination Provision combine to reduce any SS benefits you may be otherwise entitled to. Even if you contributed your 40 quarters. Just another reason it sucks to work for Uncle Scam. And my Wifey and I were both born in 1953.
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Nov 18, 2009
Saskatchewan, Truckistan
I started out as a dishwasher at age 15 never went to culinary arts school but did get my red seal Now I am a corporate chef of a small hotel chain if I work to 65 I will have been in kitchens for 50 years so 7 years to go If I retire now I will have a good retirement if I make it to 65 it will be a great retirement

Don't retire before you cook for me! ;) Culinary arts are delicious.

I just ate paste in art class and crayons in the Infantry.
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