What is this float tank? I'm always interested in something new to try. I used to have a great PT but when we relocated I lost access to her and never did find someone who was good down here that my body responded well to.Hang in there. I have a fractured back and exercise to keep it at bay. Surgery is last choice. I get a massage monthly and go to a float tank for relief. Both are amazing. Good luck
My laundry list
Cerebellar tonsillar ectopia with 4mm compression shift
c3-c4 left disc herniation, luschka's joint/facet issues
c4-c5 central disc herniation, mild stenosis (10mm AP), luschka's joint/facet issues
c5-c6 left and rear herniation, nerve compression, stenosis, luschka's joint/facet issues
c6-c7 herniation, stenosis, luschka's joint/facet issues
c7-t1 luschka's joint/facet issues
t2-t3 broad herniation, stenosis
t8-t9 broad herniation, stenosis
l2-l3 facet issues, ligamentum flavum issues
l3-l4 broad based herniation, facet issues
l4-l5 broad based herniation, facet issues
l5-s1 center protruding herniation, annular tear (rupture)