Thanks so much for the love guys. Really glad I am amongst such discerning gentlemen that appreciate the valkyrie like roar of a freshly built and fired V8.
So basically, as most of you veterans know (I am a rookie doing a first build with a hell of a lot of help) Murphy's law is an omni present force in the world. Basically everything that could have gone wrong or hindered my build has happened. From impromptu business travel keeping me from working on the car to direct fit parts not being so direct fit, you name it and it fully happened. Really lucky to have such good support.
I am literally now into this with blood, sweat and tears of absolute confounded frustration. But, I believe the Bard once said "better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all". So it goes.
Car is pretty much complete. Full interior is in. Just need to break in engine dial in the full alignment and pop the hood back on and it drives home, just in time for warmer weather which is brilliant.
Here are some pics:
Also, not only a note to you all to thank you for the ceaseless encouragement and support. But a BIG, and by big I mean massive shout out to Mr. Clean (8485) for being a white knight in shining armour and coming to my rescue with a piece I needed for the column shift linkage on the car. He literally pulled the part out of his Cutty Wagon in the morning and met with me by lunch to hand it over. Truly touched by the support and gesture.
(Needed a piece to compress this spring)
Should have a bunch more to share over the weekend.
Best to all,