I got whole roof Monday for malibu. With a pillars attached from gboz (greg). Thanks. Looks good and arrived good. I want to thank junbug from here on forum for sending me the partial roof that was in great shape to. Will hold onto it if someone else ever needs one. I also want to thank 78chevelle and 85ss/85gn for offering roof sections too. Great bunch of guys.
Now I have windshield out of course. Discovered some deep rust pits on a pillar about 4 inches down on window channel so am going to have to cut down on a pillars and butt weld new roof below that point. Reusing my b pillars. On replacement roof c pillars not quite cut down to factory seam, but does include rear window upper channel.
Questions....after measuring and remeasuring, but before I cut old roof off should I add some kind of bracing to a pillars and c pillars or will they stay in place? Also what do you guys think would be better to cut it off with? Sawzall, cutoff wheel, torch, airsaw?