Yes, I would start with the basics - vacuum, fuel pressure and timing. I would recommend tht if you find an issue with one item, don't stop, continue with the basic checks. How do you know your distributor isn't set up correctly?
Yes, I would start with the basics - vacuum, fuel pressure and timing. I would recommend tht if you find an issue with one item, don't stop, continue with the basic checks. How do you know your distributor isn't set up correctly?
Thanks for the advise. With the dist, they installed new springs, and vacuum advance that's adjustable. I know they didn't make any adjustments to it. When I use my timing light it's all over the place. I got it to it starts right up and left it alone but I know it needs some attention.
If the idle is steady and the vaccine advanced is unplugged , then the spark should not wander more than 1-2 degrees at a consistent rpm. Try to define jumping all over the place please.
Do you own a vacuum gauge like this : or equivalent?
What type of timing light do you have? I.e. rpm and timing, dial back, etc?
Do you understand the three types of timing? 1st - Base timing (sometimes referred to as intial), 2nd - mechanical timing (sometimes referred to as centrigfugal), and 3rd - vacuum advance timing?
Your previous post is not very helpful and I can explain why if you would like, but right at this moment it would be best to get the timing checked in the following manner : get the engine to operating temp, unhook the vacuum advance and plug the line, get the idle to below 900 rpm's and measure where the timing is set and describe how many degrees it is wandering. If for some reason you cannot get the idle steady AND below 900 rpms, then please let me/us know.
If you're willing to put the time and effort into learning, then I'm willing to teach you how to check and repar, dial in (curve) your distributor.
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