Do it! It's so worth it. The only things to really watch out for is the primary metering rods on the power piston bend easilly. Hardest thing about the qjet for me at least is putting the damn power piston back in and not having it pop up when putting the air horn back on. And you WILL break screws. I suggest grinding the backs off of the throttle blade screws (and others) since they're staked from factory using a bit of heat and trying to work them out. If all else fails, brake em all and have the holes drilled to 6-32. sells those panhead low profile flathead screws in packs of 20 for like 5 bucks. One last thing, use a finish nail and a small hammer to knock out the roll pin for the accel pump arm, but place a thin washer or a dime inbetween the airhorn and the roll pin. It gives the pin enough room to slide out and free the arm while giving you enough room to pry the pin back in with a flathead screwdriver. Check if the airhorn and main body are warped. Easiest thing to do is take it all apart, take the gaskets off, put the airhorn on the main body. If you see a gap thicker than the gasket, it may not be worth rebuilding. It's a lot of words I know, I just love qjets. lol