So, bad news.

So, I need to make this short because, life. So excuse the things left out.

After our family Sunday dinner my step-dad had a fall in his bedroom. We couldn't get him up,.emts couldn't, ended up needing firefighters to get him off the floor. Ultimately, he was OK after and even moved around with his walker, seemed in pretty good spirits.

Later last night, in the middle of the night, he went down again. Had a fever. After 20 minutes working on him the emts got him loaded for the ambulance and we brought him into the hospital.

A foot wound he was being treated for for weeks has gotten into the bone, and, the docs say he has sepsis.

He passed this afternoon. One minute happy, talking with a nurse. Then instantly he was gone, and, they couldn't bring him back.

So I'm off at mom's place. We've got a lot to suddenly do considering how quick and surprising this is. Thursday I'm supposed to hear if my blood work showed philadelphia gene or not. So fingers crossed. Happy birthday week.

But, if anyone messages or asks about stuff I've got posted free or for sale, gets upset about response lags? Please point em here. But everything that was paid for or had money coming is already in the mail. Appreciate the understanding most of y'all give.

O. D. Showtime - if you need to sell those hubcaps elsewhere it's fine. Don't have my computer or account info stuff with me. Not sure how many days to get back to things, but, if they're around at that point I'd take em and get things sent to you.

Hoping for the best already on Thurs before this all came up, so, we'll see.

Thanks guys.
Thoughts and prayers with you and your family, I’m a firefighter and emt and see families deal with loss of loved ones too often. So sorry for your loss.
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Deepest condolences. Sorry for your loss. It's never easy, but we continue to move forward.
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Thank you for the kind words and support everyone, more than you know. Its shocking how much life changes in 16 hours from Sunday into Monday.

He was my stepfather, but, also the first REAL father I ever had even if it wasn't until into adulthood he came around. Longevity runs in the female lines on both sides of the family into their 80s, 90s, 100s, 110s. So I was fortunate he and mom were both still with us.

View attachment 219759

I am the only family within 3000 miles for mom, aside from a 1600 mile away estranged daughter. So, a lot falls to me alone to sort out as she loses a majority of household income in these times. With her IPF, and her damaged shoulder they won't ok for replacement due to fragility.

I've inherited one of his most prized possessions..he kept it in the sock drawer since the day he got it


The upswings on the 'u' is faint, the surface of the ball there had rubbing which makes it not show in pictures. We'll see if the signature is clear enough for you to tell who it appears to be.

I needed a little break from all going on here though, so, i wanted to just read about cars for a minute ot two... Turns out I was named back-up executor, and, he made some strange moves and non moves that complicate things. So we went from no probate necessary to needing a probate and two ancillary probates opened, I've got to track down a fractional ownership of some 1850s funeral plots in New York, and, there a 423 mile Hyundai around and about, at least, according to a profile on Hyundai finance. So there's that, coupled with my results tomorrow.

Anyways, I guess I ought to get back to things, at least as far as drafting a few more petitions to file before quitting for today.

But, thanks again for the kind words and support.
So, I need to make this short because, life. So excuse the things left out.

After our family Sunday dinner my step-dad had a fall in his bedroom. We couldn't get him up,.emts couldn't, ended up needing firefighters to get him off the floor. Ultimately, he was OK after and even moved around with his walker, seemed in pretty good spirits.

Later last night, in the middle of the night, he went down again. Had a fever. After 20 minutes working on him the emts got him loaded for the ambulance and we brought him into the hospital.

A foot wound he was being treated for for weeks has gotten into the bone, and, the docs say he has sepsis.

He passed this afternoon. One minute happy, talking with a nurse. Then instantly he was gone, and, they couldn't bring him back.

So I'm off at mom's place. We've got a lot to suddenly do considering how quick and surprising this is. Thursday I'm supposed to hear if my blood work showed philadelphia gene or not. So fingers crossed. Happy birthday week.

But, if anyone messages or asks about stuff I've got posted free or for sale, gets upset about response lags? Please point em here. But everything that was paid for or had money coming is already in the mail. Appreciate the understanding most of y'all give.

O. D. Showtime - if you need to sell those hubcaps elsewhere it's fine. Don't have my computer or account info stuff with me. Not sure how many days to get back to things, but, if they're around at that point I'd take em and get things sent to you.

Hoping for the best already on Thurs before this all came up, so, we'll see.

Thanks guys.
I am very sorry for your loss. Praying for you and your family brother.
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I'm glad to hear that he was laughing shortly before moving onward and upward. It sounds like you meant as much to him as he did to you. Take solace in that.
So sorry to hear this, my condolences to you and your family. You take care of things there, if and when you're ready message me and we'll go from there.

Thoughts and prayers sent your way.
Now I've had to shift gears again because... life. Can't seem to get ahold of some of these dull moments lately.

Ill be sending you a message tonight. No rush.
So sorry to hear. Well wishes to you and all your family. Don't worry about the car stuff. It never goes anywhere when you're not doing it. Pick it back up when you feel like it again. Take care.
I've got a renewed drive to do some things.... if I can. And now that's become a new question, new problem.
Sorry for loss buddy, that mean the case of beer is off the table? Hope yinz get to make the best of seeing a bunch of friends and family that you rarely to get see otherwise through a tough time
Maybe it goes up to two cases of beer? Life can be too short to not enjoy yourself now and again.
Now I've had to shift gears again because... life. Can't seem to get ahold of some of these dull moments lately.

Ill be sending you a message tonight. No rush.

I've got a renewed drive to do some things.... if I can. And now that's become a new question, new problem.

Maybe it goes up to two cases of beer? Life can be too short to not enjoy yourself now and again.
Oh boy, now we are getting closer.... must be having that disposable income now

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