Using it for maintenance parts you need isn't not hitting buy....
When you get older and wiser you learn a penny saved is a penny earned is true. Eventually by resisting the little impulse 'treat yourself' $50 here and $150 there, you put yourself in a position you can do big things you really want.
In my scenario, I've still got $150 in found money. Just instead of having to spend it at summit on their stuff at their prices I can spend it anywhere.
Unless you want to be stuck either paying rent all your life, or, always cashed out with a huge mortgage payment, there's also better things to do then always ftivilously spend the found money.
Then again, I made my last rent payment in my 20s and last mortgage payment in my 30s, but that's too boring so who knows.... when we want a car to play with, if there's favorable (0% or something similar) we finance and earn ROI somewhere above interest payments on the money we didnt spend. If not, we pay cash. These days it confuses dealerships to walk in and pay cash.
Maybe more people should rethink the treat yourself all the time mentality and choose to get ahead, there'd be less government handouts.