Still feeling patriotic? read this

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Not for nothing, but I read here the Military personal uphold and fight for the Constitution???

I do believe Iraq 1, Iraq2 and Afghanistan are not constitutional by a long shot.
That put us IMO in the realm of being terrorists according to our constitution!!
Yeah, what he said. I was about to say the same thing and I had an important meeting to attend for a few hours came back and NY beat me to the punch. Not only were both of the last two major wars we perpetrated debatable in terms of their constitutionality, but if you are sworn to uphold the constitution you should be fighting that justice be served whoever caused the dishonesty that perpetuated this news story because it infringes on family members of the deceased religious freedom. Jewish and Muslim religion strictly prohibit incineration of body parts and require said parts to be buried on blessed soil by a higher member of their respective religious order(s). You may be agnostic/ christian/ atheist and not even know about these procedures but other religions take this type of insult and violation very seriously.
not a good choice..

A. Continue to dig, hey I might get to China and dump the water there before I drown!
i love when people decide that the wars are unconstitutional. mostly because i have yet to hear one actually justify their statement, especially with some actual FACTS. you two have any actual proof for your statements?
come on pencero, you don't even know what the different amendments are.

infringes on family members of the deceased religious freedom.
ok, now you're just making sh*t up. NOWHERE was there anything in the story about "religious freedom"
and any jewish or muslim family, being told that more parts had been recovered would NOT have signed a waiver allowing the military dispose of said body parts. therefore your argument is not only groundless, but ****ing STUPID!
That put us IMO in the realm of being terrorists according to our constitution!!
really? where in the Constitution does it talk about terrorism? what is that, amendment 1,234,556,678,999?
I couldn't find those amendments but I did come across something that seems kind of relevant

Section 3 - Treason Note

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.
Just because nothing was in this story about a Muslim or Jewish family does not mean that the waiver which could have infringed on their faith didnt make it to their door. They could have easily signed it if they misunderstood the language in it. As the story continues to develop you may well see an angry family of one of these faiths involved. You guys trying to do damage control for the force aren't coming off tough. p*ssy talks a lot more than a tough guy. I will not engage the particular post with an outdated treason law which couldnt possibly apply to anything said in this entire thread. It says a lot about your debate strategy and a lot about you - but it's not actually talking about anything ( ' relevant ' ) :rofl:
It seems you have a hard time with objectivity and understanding the points people have made. As far as this issue developing please post anything that has transpired since that "story" you originally posted. It seems that this "story" has lost it legs as so many "stories" do that were developed to cause people like you to grab onto and run with it. ... &#45648913

Ok heres a point then: you are all wrong who took the 'other side' of this argument because YES megaladon the war is definitely unconstitutional in that the United States never proved that 'weapons of mass destruction' were in Iraq or Afghanistan before raiding the premises and in addition to that did not prove that Al Qaida was in either government perpetrating an 'unreasonable search and seizure' of property there to set up military bases there outside the spirit of said constitution. I'll head off the "other countries arent protected by the constitution" angle so we can skip that lame argument: you all said yourself your job is to defend the constitution. Wherefore does the violation of a foreign nation's sovereignity and manipulation of their government qualify as 'defense' and fall under the misrepresentation of 'defense spending'. The United States never proved that either foreign government sponsored/funded the actions of the terrorist groups who (supposedly) independently conspired to terrorize the United States. Ironically some of the AK's which maimed killed and injured soldiers were still in service from the 70s when our own government supplied them at which time George Bush Sr. was against Russia's war in Afghanistan and voyaged there to shake Saddam Hussein's hand.

I'm not telling you anything you didnt know. Why even continue further? If you really went over there with a personal agenda you are a product of severe brainwashing. I know a couple vets who were there and they 'were just doing (my) their job' and 'what happened there stays there' when I ask them about it. They really looked at the war as an oppurtunity to work as a mercenary, came home and didnt make a career out of it. I can respect that, they knew the terms of the job when they signed up did what they were asked got paid and came home. I havent had a chance to ask them what they think about this but I guarantee they wouldnt support what happened here. I dont think they would have appreciated it very much if they died over there and someone went to their mom's house trying to get her to sign off on sending their ashes to the dump whereas the paper said 'a respectful and dignified way'. A lot of people had they known that would have opted to keep the ashes and put them in a urn above their fireplace or by pictures of the person instead. Say what you all want, the war was wrong and the ashes too, you can type on a car forum all day and still not change the basic principles of right and wrong. But you had replaced your moral compass of 'right/wrong' with 'right/left' a long time ago and are blind. I wish the innocent child you once were could meet the person you are today and you would see the person you really did become settled for less when you gave up your morality to work for money and perpetrate human rights violations overseas. At least when my friends came home from Iraq and resigned their service that sh*t was over with and they can admit whats happening over there is wrong today and that they just did it for the money and college scholarships; you other people here really would beat this dead horse and defend these crimes against humanity? Well I say you are just sore losers and mad that our side didn't win the war. Get over it, my veteran friends dont give a **** why should you?
so are you giving up on your original misguided focus of your thread to bash the gov from a different angle?
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