SV6 REGAL said:
You gotta fix your banking.....I heard on the radio were a school bus driver making 30,000 a year bought a house worth 800,000 like hello like he can afford that ,of course they forclosed.
If you search it out, the mortgage mess, it was not the blue collar America that the foreclosures are happening on.
4 States is where the majority (Large ONE) with California leading have foreclosure rates nearing 20%.
Those people getting foreclosed upon and in a majority ( Large ONE again) college educated.
They also are in the 6 figure income.
The poorer, more middle to lower class citizens with foreclosures happening are still at a rate of less than 4%, which is the average for 20+ years.
Well these college educated people during the bush admins lowering of interest crusade went out and purchased, on average, $275,000 homes they could not afford, nor get qualified for at earlier times. With lower interest rates and the government policy of allowing loans to riskier people ( Which meant lower class citizens, not upper middle class and above) these people whom had extended education and should have known better went out and got qualified for APR low interest loans. But when interest rises, so do payments, but hell, why worry.
Now these bankers looking it all over said why loan money to people that really need it that will be buying sub $100,000 loans where heavy commissions aren't there to line my pockets decided to twist and earlier government ruling and give it again to their buddies, educated by college 6+ figure people.
Know why Obama's rating is pretty high?
Because the working man has had enough and Obama is targeting them to pay for the mess they made.
There polling AMERICA, not republicans that make in excess of $250,000K, nor anyone whom wants to be Rush stick your head up your behinds types.
Again, I can not vote nor hold one political party in favor etc.
But looking from outside inward the republican party has always appeared to favor the rich and better to do's. And the Bush admin really prevaricated that appearance and generated this mess!!!
All hail Bush, the man whom spent billions looking for weapons they all ready knew did not exist so they could have better control of the oil and place ourselves centered in Arab lands where we need not be. Not that we could have used that money for other things like New Orleans and combating what we now have for economy!!!