T56 reverse lockout

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Yea it's like under 3mph it's on and off at 5mph. Thing about the brakes tho is you definitely use them above 3mph, sometimes on and off quick so that will burn up that little lockout solenoid eventually.

Me personally I'd have it on a switch or computer controlled if possible.
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Yeah the brake switch thing isn't right but it's a work around I have seen done, not sure it's ideal by any means but it provides *some* protection.

They advertise this box, but it's not low $.

And this is the light spring i've mentioned
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Here ya go. I used one. It's not 100% fool proof, but makes life much easier.

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Here ya go. I used one. It's not 100% fool proof, but makes life much easier.

Ok that's what I was thinking about using.
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Ok thanks I'll probably just thru the trans in and see how it goes
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Here ya go. I used one. It's not 100% fool proof, but makes life much easier.

So that's just a small mechanical replacement
Basically a spring loaded detent...
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