Tattoos, paying homage to your ride, have any, I do

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Those tats are sick. I've been thinking about incorporating a Turbo 6 logo or stage 1 or 455 somewhere in one of my military Tattoo pieces. Blake442 recommended a Turbo 6 tramp stamp. I'm thinking I'll probably add some angel wings to it, get it right on my lower back above my butt crack.

FYI, officers can get all the Tattoos they want. Just not on the face, hands or Neck. In the Army however, you can get tats on the neck and hands as of 2006. Your not going to get singled out or F'd with for having tats unless your a shitbag (in which case you'd be getting singled out anyway) or if you have some seriously gay tattoos. As long your keeping up with PT, not falling out in the runs and doing the exercises, you won't get singled out. If your squared away the only time your tattoos would ever get any attention is the first day, and even that's probably unlikely. That being said, I wouldn't show up to BUDS with a huge 'SEAL for life" tattoo on the front of your neck.
patmckinneyracing said:
I won't be having any tattoos for quite a few years to come. Officers in the military are not allowed to have them and if I do get one, they would charge me with "defacing government property". I'm not kidding either :shock:

I couldn't do one specific car tattoo as I love my mopars, malibu, and the roadrunner. I like other brands of cars from BOP but will not speak positive of fords, even if you paid me to.
you can get tats, i got one back when i was in the army, it was a kewl design, but a bad artist. wait till you find some one with nice tats and ask where they got them.. DO RESEARCH! then ya wont end up like me. :|
I just hope he doesn't fall out of his Cutty one night all liquored up and banging his dome to the ground really hard........Not for fear of him hurting himself, but for fear of him having amnesia and waking up a HONDA fan :rofl:
SquirrelMaster28 said:
...Blake442 recommended a Turbo 6 tramp stamp. I'm thinking I'll probably add some angel wings to it, get it right on my lower back above my butt crack...

DO IT!! :banana: :lol:
This is so funny I was just trying to take a pic of my chevrolet with the bow tie tat they were not coming out . I also have a bow tie triable . At least I am not the only one . I will try to take a pic
My family has 3 trans ams and I will most likely have one here pretty soon too.
finally got my first tattoo and decided this was going to be my first since i got my first cutlass 😀
I have loads of Tattoos. I have 2 tattoos on me that are about cars in general I grew up on Hot Rods with my father and have flames on my bicep. I also have a V8 tattoo on my calf. Funny thing is i have a V6 in my Monte. Other vehicles i own have the 8.
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