The 10 Commandments of Obamaland!

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Well, if we are going to get personal, I live in a working class, integrated neighborhood and have no issues with anyone of a different race. I do have issues with the needless stimulus programs and other such demonstrations of the failed economic philosophy of Keynesian Economic theory. Second, the cross burning thing raises my ire as while it may never have happened to you, it has happened to members of my family back in the 70's. Oh, and they didn't just burn a cross: They set fire to the garage as well. My family is well connected in the local Republican party, and is also involved in a homeless ministry and advocacy. BTW, I am also poor, uninsured, and struggling just to keep the lights on right now. The roof is collapsing on the back of my house and I have no money to fix it. I won my home, but my lack of provable income means I can't refinance it to a more reasonable rate or take out money to fix the roof.

I disagree with Obama on ideological grounds, and not on something he can do nothing about such as the color of his skin. Hating a man based on that is illogical, and has no place in the year 2009. Move on from that one already and realize that people can have valid disagreements with someone of a different race that does not involve that person's race. I would also ask where you were when Alan Keyes ran for President in 1996. I happened to have supported him and voted for him.

Ideologically, I disagree with Obama on issues pertaining to both social and economic policies. His hard core support of Abortion is something I find morally wrong. After all, the largest abortion provider in the country, Planned Parenthood, was founded by the racial eugenicist Margaret Sanger, who wished to use family planing to limit the number of blacks and other people she considered to be undesirable who were allowed to have children. She even wrote a book on her views on racial purity in the 1940's. If you would like, I can get you exact quotes and the title of it. Eugenics was also used to justify the forced sterilization of hundreds of thousands of Americans from the 1920's until 1973. It was also later used to justify the "Final Solution" in Nazi Germany.

As for economics, it has long been proven that planned economies do not work. I will wrote more later, but I have to do my research first. Plus, I gotta go mow the rest of my lawn before it gets dark as my neighbors are complaining.
85 Cutlass Brougham said:
Well, if we are going to get personal, I live in a working class, integrated neighborhood and have no issues with anyone of a different race. I do have issues with the needless stimulus programs and other such demonstrations of the failed economic philosophy of Keynesian Economic theory. Second, the cross burning thing raises my ire as while it may never have happened to you, it has happened to members of my family back in the 70's. Oh, and they didn't just burn a cross: They set fire to the garage as well. My family is well connected in the local Republican party, and is also involved in a homeless ministry and advocacy. BTW, I am also poor, uninsured, and struggling just to keep the lights on right now. The roof is collapsing on the back of my house and I have no money to fix it. I won my home, but my lack of provable income means I can't refinance it to a more reasonable rate or take out money to fix the roof.

I disagree with Obama on ideological grounds, and not on something he can do nothing about such as the color of his skin. Hating a man based on that is illogical, and has no place in the year 2009. Move on from that one already and realize that people can have valid disagreements with someone of a different race that does not involve that person's race. I would also ask where you were when Alan Keyes ran for President in 1996. I happened to have supported him and voted for him.

Ideologically, I disagree with Obama on issues pertaining to both social and economic policies. His hard core support of Abortion is something I find morally wrong. After all, the largest abortion provider in the country, Planned Parenthood, was founded by the racial eugenicist Margaret Sanger, who wished to use family planing to limit the number of blacks and other people she considered to be undesirable who were allowed to have children. She even wrote a book on her views on racial purity in the 1940's. If you would like, I can get you exact quotes and the title of it. Eugenics was also used to justify the forced sterilization of hundreds of thousands of Americans from the 1920's until 1973. It was also later used to justify the "Final Solution" in Nazi Germany.

As for economics, it has long been proven that planned economies do not work. I will wrote more later, but I have to do my research first. Plus, I gotta go mow the rest of my lawn before it gets dark as my neighbors are complaining.
Aww,the poor neighbors can wait! :lol: All I'm growing now is a crop of dandelions!
maximus84 said:
BlacKJesuS said:
megaladon6 said:
"so what's "i love white women" supposed to mean?
and where do i stand? i wanna hear this one.

just as it sounds and you hate obama simply put....what else would you guys like me to say so that you can take it and run
You dont understand how to use the English language to say what you mean,or you do and you meant it how it sounded.Either way,why you voted for Obama shows.You didnt vote for him because of his experience,his character,his judgement or his "record" voted for him cuz he's black,& he reads a teleprompter well. What does that say about both of you? He's lied or gone back on every promise he's made to the American people! I wonder what lies you tell "white Women"? They must be mad you lied afterwords! :roll: :lol:

funny thing about you saying that......i actually voted for mccain (willingly) and i refused to vote for obama because it felt like he was being force fed to me at school AND i never have to lie to them...sorry
oh fer f--k's sake.... off-topic is off-topic is off-topic, but come on... :roll: I have to draw the line somewhere....
I voted against Obama, but not really for McCain. As I have said before, it was on principle, but also because I found Obama's cult of personality frightening. McCain was sort of a "Democrat-Lite"-now with 20% less taxation! Anyhow, my whole point about economics is that I believe that it is the responsibility of the individual to take care of themselves. I do not think the government is responsible to provide any of the basic necessities of life for us, nor to heavily regulate everything for the sake of the environment. I am actually more of a Conservative Libertarian than a Republican, but vote Republican because I feel they will do the least to mess things up in my life. I am Pro Life not because I wish to limit a woman's choices, but because I believe that life begins at conception and is sacred. On some things like drug laws, I am actually more liberal than most liberals-even though I do not wish to use any myself. I also want the death of Amtrak. That boondoggle looses billions every year, but yet tax payers continue to subsidize 70% of the ticket price of each passenger. Sorry, but long distance train travel is never coming back as a popular form of mass transportation so long as we have planes.
BlacKJesuS said:
maximus84 said:
BlacKJesuS said:
megaladon6 said:
"so what's "i love white women" supposed to mean?
and where do i stand? i wanna hear this one.

just as it sounds and you hate obama simply put....what else would you guys like me to say so that you can take it and run
You dont understand how to use the English language to say what you mean,or you do and you meant it how it sounded.Either way,why you voted for Obama shows.You didnt vote for him because of his experience,his character,his judgement or his "record" voted for him cuz he's black,& he reads a teleprompter well. What does that say about both of you? He's lied or gone back on every promise he's made to the American people! I wonder what lies you tell "white Women"? They must be mad you lied afterwords! :roll: :lol:

funny thing about you saying that......i actually voted for mccain (willingly) and i refused to vote for obama because it felt like he was being force fed to me at school AND i never have to lie to them...sorry
I voted for McCain,but not because he was McCain.He was the lesser of two evils.I saw Obama for what he was long before he was elected!
where's Ross Perot when we need him???? :lol:

I voted for mccain also, but also not because he's black, I didn't like his lack of experience/direction he wanted to take the country... maccain was like blackjesus said- the lesser of 2 evils....

at least perot had a plan to tax everybody, and not just the rich or middle class or the poor.... he may have been racist, or just not a very good public speaker, but he had a decent plan IMO...

remembering all the socalist talk and the namecalling lately in the news, I was watching and old classic last night and almost started crying because I was laughing so hard....


Jake: what's going on here?
Officer: D--n nazis
Elwood: I hate Illinois nazis.

wasn't trying to be racist here, just hope someone else saw the humor, as mine is slightly twisted... :lol: :?
1evilregal said:
where's Ross Perot when we need him???? :lol:

I voted for mccain also, but also not because he's black, I didn't like his lack of experience/direction he wanted to take the country... maccain was like blackjesus said- the lesser of 2 evils....

at least perot had a plan to tax everybody, and not just the rich or middle class or the poor.... he may have been racist, or just not a very good public speaker, but he had a decent plan IMO...

remembering all the socalist talk and the namecalling lately in the news, I was watching and old classic last night and almost started crying because I was laughing so hard....


Jake: what's going on here?
Officer: D--n nazis
Elwood: I hate Illinois nazis.

wasn't trying to be racist here, just hope someone else saw the humor, as mine is slightly twisted... :lol: :?
"maccain was like blackjesus said- the lesser of 2 evils....
" I said it! Black bejesus couldnt have come up with that! LOL
maximus84 said:
1evilregal said:
where's Ross Perot when we need him???? :lol:

I voted for mccain also, but also not because he's black, I didn't like his lack of experience/direction he wanted to take the country... maccain was like blackjesus said- the lesser of 2 evils....

at least perot had a plan to tax everybody, and not just the rich or middle class or the poor.... he may have been racist, or just not a very good public speaker, but he had a decent plan IMO...

remembering all the socalist talk and the namecalling lately in the news, I was watching and old classic last night and almost started crying because I was laughing so hard....


Jake: what's going on here?
Officer: D--n nazis
Elwood: I hate Illinois nazis.

wasn't trying to be racist here, just hope someone else saw the humor, as mine is slightly twisted... :lol: :?
"maccain was like blackjesus said- the lesser of 2 evils....
" I said it! Black bejesus couldnt have come up with that! LOL

im done
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