!happiness short-lived!
The car broke on me today, I believe it seized up or blew again.
I was driving down the road and it died out on me in the middle of the road, I tried starting it up wouldn't even budge made this horrible loud grinding noise.
So I pushed the car into on coming traffic to get it off the road of about 10 minutes of sitting there trying to start it.
Got it into a parking lot, Parked it.
Called Mike and Steve they start yelling and cussing out my wife saying it was our faults and they're not responsible for anything and they will not fix it.
They say they told us not to drive it because of no gauges.
But I know for a fact it wasn't running hot, Also he blamed me saying I ran it hot and blew the engine and hes not liable because it wasn't their fault.
So They don't come get the car they say they wont help us out, So my sister comes in her small ford contour and pushes me all the way home (about 5 miles).
So we get home I call them and ask them what's going on and why they would talk to my wife like that, he starts talking and I promise will not shut up going on about how its my fault they're not responsible for this.
So he tells me get my lawyer cause he has everything on us and I am harassing him which I wasn't he was yelling at me.
So I told him shut up and let me talk, he did when I got loud, So I begin to tell Him: (exact words) I paid you 1100 of my money, Literally not a penny less or more literally all of my money I don't have a dime left to my name, I am not caring about consequences what I was worried about is when I gave you literally all of my money I could get into my car that I paid you to fix and drive wherever I want to go in my car that I paid you to fix.
So he begins to talk and talk and not let me finish what I was saying, So I scream as loud as I can into the phone shut up and let me talk! He hangs up and now wont answer my phone calls.
But what I never mentioned on here cause I didn't care I was overly excited about my car was.
I got it back and I swear there was no oil in the car, No water/anti-freeze nothing.
When I put oil into it I swear it had the worst oil leak, how on a "fixed" Motor there was a leak??
Also all the things he said I was getting I never got, I looked at all the parts and none were the same brand he promised.
and again no fluids.
So I told him this and he swears I was lying and I am just trying to accuse him, he swears he has receipts.
So now Monday were going down to the court house taking a small claims on them (Mike & Steve) and their shop, also going to better business bureau to talk to them and show them everything and get them shut down.
I am not handling this like I did with Klinglesmith.
So I am pretty furious, and sad because now I just decided to give it up, either someone buy the whole car or I will part it out before it goes to the junk yard.
I literally cried today in anger because of what they did and how they shifted all of the blame onto me to make themselves feel/look better.
But I will take a video of what its doing the noise and all, I will let you all judge if I am right or wrong.
Thanks everyone so much.