My statement about left wing intolerance is a fact, and not in and of itself intolerant. For it to be intolerant, I would have to choose to hate them for it. Frankly I don't give a sh*t what they think as they do not impact the way I choose to live. I only dislike them when they are further tightening the noose of government around my neck. As for the homeless, let them be homeless if they choose. I support helping them in a way. If they choose help, it will be by strict rules and require them to submit their time and labor to be sold to corporations for the profit of the government. If they wish, they can opt out at any time, find another way to support themselves and stop receiving assistance. No one has to be living on the street, and no one gets a free ride. As for my prison idea, it does come with a few more caveats. First off, we need to reduce the number of petty, bullshit laws and keep prisons for people who commit property crimes or bring physical harm to another person.Murder, theft, rape, etc. all deserve time in prison. After all, your person and your property are the most important things you possess outside of your liberty. Stop throwing pot heads in jail, for example. If someone steals my car, I want them to do 5 years hard labor for it. I don't want them let out because minimum sentencing says the small time drug dealer who grows a little weed needs to stay in there instead. I want to make them HATE prison, which is why I thought of this. It may be a little overreaching, but I do feel that prison populations are an untapped resource that can be made to help defray the cost of incarceration. No one, not even in prison, should get a free ride at the expense of the tax payers.