Yep, it only only controls the primaries which is what you only use most of the time for street driving. The secondaries don't kick it until you are almost flooring it, if they kicked in any sooner the engine would bog or flood and stall out. Alot of Qjet bogging problems are misadjustments with the secondaries. At WOT, the mixture solenoid dwell defaults to full rich.
However, the CCC does have finer fuel control over most of the power band, which is why feedback carbs have better gas mileage and the cylinders are not gas washed. All nonfeedback carbs operate slightly rich even when tuned correctly, feedback carbs operate at the stoichiometric ratio most of the time, neither rich or lean. The CCC also controls timing advance, no springs, sticky weights, or vacuum diaphragms to worry about, just swap proms. Plus it has spark knock retard, the system also has finer control of EGR and finer torque converter lockup control. I never understood why G body owners poo-poo such a great system. Best thing about is tune it once and forget it, unlike most nonfeedback carbs that require retuning every day.
I would say the biggest problem for a CCC Qjet with performance is the border line lean idle circuits, which can easily be fixed by enlarging the idle tubes. A real gearhead can do it in 15 minutes.