this I why I never let anyone touch/work on my car...

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-83MONTESS- said:
Gutlass said:
I felt like that with this but it was my daily I also had another car at the time, a tahoe, this had happened on a thurdays I towed the car to my job(I work at a junk yard) and my brother gave me a ride home, the next day I wake up to go to work and my tahoe was gone! The security in my apartments towed it because I did put my new parking pass in it so they thought I didnt for it, but best of all was that after I picked up the tahoe at the impound on the way home it blew the headgaskets! Lol it was really a rough week!
Damn. Go to the zoo and flip off the monkeys....I bet you'll feel better :lol:

:rofl: I CAN PICTURE MYSELF DOING THAT... and 84clonewars now how do you know that? :lol: but i think the shop has some fault and they are trying to get off the hook... If it was me i would just wait and make it hell and call the BBB and post negative ads on craigslist and post bad reviews.. NOW as a back up which i don't condone but if it was me i would provide the same amount of damage it cost me to their business...
badmouth the shop every chance you get. if that's how they treat customers let everyone know you know about the shop and have them do the same.

heck contact a local news channel and tell them about it. sometimes they have reporters who investigate crap like this and air it on the news. see how fast the shop changes their tune when their business drops like a rock thrown in a river.
I'm not understanding how nothing is their fault. I'm sorry but it would take more than what you have stated for someone to convince me that the shop doing the work is not responsible.
I guess I would not be responsible for cancelling the check I wrote them either.
Don’t you have a receipt? Any shop that’s an actual business has to offer some form of warranty against their services…. I would say you totally have a case…contact the BBB see what they have to say.
My wife was just saying on all those bs daytime court shows, people win cases like that against shops for damage to there stuff all the time. All you have to do is prove it was the shops fault. If they didnt do the job that you paid them to do right then they are at fault. Dont lay down on the issue, there are enough scum bag shops that think they can walk all over every customer that walks in the door as it is.
This is another sad story for no reason. And I get ticked reading stuff like this because shops like these are all too common and how they stay in business amazes me. I work the Commercial dept. at a parts store, and ask anybody that does so, because we see up close and first hand the difference between legit shops and shady ones. There is no oversight, no regulation, no state agent who checks these places out for proper business practices. They charge people for new parts, but put junk yard parts on the cars. They charge to fix the problem but dont. They employ "mechanics" who have less skill than I do, and Im not a mechanic. If they were running a restaurant, they'd be outta business, shut down by the health dept, OSHA, EPA, IRS...etc...but since they work on cars/trucks, nobody cares how or what they do to make their money. FUBAR!
I would give that shop hell... post your story on craigslist, contact local news.. everything. that's bs and they should pay for the damages... let them know if they don't what you'll do....

but that was months ago... so...

sorry to hear about your luck, i dont like letting any shop work on my car either.
Sorry to here about your car I would be mad and sad if this was my car.I would fix the car looks like a inner and outer support + fender,you might also need a new wheel well. I would just fix the door looks minnor. New rotor and I would take a good look at all the suspention parts control arms, spindle, tie rod ends. I would go over the whole front end an check for any damage. I would start buy puting the car on axle stands and taking all the damaged parts off the car and then work forward from there.
Good Luck.
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