Either your cable needs to be replaced, or your floor mat is sticking.
I will never ever ever run without 2 throttle springs ever again. Ive only ever usually run 1, but had it fail at the finish line of a 1/4mile drag strip. 472 cubic inches stuck at 3000rpm going 100mph is not fun.
Also, I had this happen in my firebird a long time ago. Throttle spring was fine, floor mat was removed, cable worked just fine, but after about 1/2 hour of driving the RPM's would get stuck at 3000rpm, but it didnt feel like the throttle was on. The tach and engine showed/sounded like 3000rpm, but there was no power until I stepped on the gas. Turns out my advance weights were sticking open. I took them off, polished them with sand paper/steel wool to remove the rust. Put the tiniest amount of lithium all purpose grease on, and voila, no more issues.