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Master Mechanic
Apr 4, 2008
interesting event that sucks. I stayed up all night watching the election today. Then I went to work came home exhausted and had to get a part for my computer. Thats why I havent been on. I have homework that is due tomarrow for one of my college coarses. Well long story short I couldnt drive any more today I was am still out of it. My bro with no liscence drove. 1 mile from my house he didnt have my headlights on, just the hazards, sure enough the cop ****ed with us. Hes looking at more jail time with a suspended liscence he was gonna get back in 2 months. I got a ticket for allowing a suspended liscency to drive my car. What kinda money is this thing gonna cost??? anyone know.
weak! i'm sure you can fight that ticket.

my brother has a good lawyer, yet im worried ive never even heard of giving someone a ticket for this odd *ss reason. Any thoughts to what they might charge me.
I have seen it go both ways in court, it depends on the situation. The judge can probably pin you to the wall, but they are not likely to if you have a good story. You were in the car, so it is not like you surrendered the car to him with no regard for safety. Explain to the judge that you could have driven legally, but it would not have been safe (maybe say you were even driving at first but falling asleep at the wheel so your brother took over). Try to make it out a a noble gesture on his part, and a necessary compromise on yours

I would avoid mentioning specifics about the election, since you will not know their politics (of course unless the judge has specific physical features that would seem to make them more likely to be pleased with the outcome - then make sure to say how you were celebrating - get it). Make sure to mention that you are hard working student of limited means (Judges don't want to screw people who are tying to better themselves).
You need to make sure that you don't have the same judge as your brother. You don't want the judge to be able to compare the two stories. It's your responsibility to ensure the driver of your vehicle is a licensed but with your diminished capacity you overlooked that. There has been research performed that being tired can be as incapacitating as being drunk. Hopefully you didn't make any statements to the police.....

If you did make a statement to the police you can use that as your willingness to accept fault and basically beg for the mercy of the court, that your a student and can't afford to pay a fine...

I just went there and they said it would fall under the driver responsib. code 500 dollars a year for 2 years. They said plead non guilty. I might get a smaller sentence so I did. Actually the part im really worried about is having no insurance. Sure i had proof of insurance, we are required in MI to have it. Anyhow what happens when the insurance company sees this stupid code on this certain date with no insurance. Looks like I might be going to jail for the 1st time. What can I say, ive been really short on money and have not had insurance for almost a month now. I also have had some gambling issues too. I think im in for a world of sh*t if they report that to the insurance agency.
Only the police can arrest you and the court punish you for having no insurance, not an insurance company. The police saw your insurance card was valid, and decided not to check it further. I would make sure you get insured again immidiately, the insurance company won't see the infraction until you are convicted of something, and only then when they decide to run your MVR again. In that case the worst thing they will do is raise your insurance rate a little. Your ticket will most likely be reduced to a small traffic infraction which shouldn't raise the rate much provided your driving record is currently clean. Don't ever drive uninsured again- that can seriously ruin your life in the event of an accident. Keep in mind although you are going to college, that is not the most important thing in life. You have to keep all the other things in life in check that you need to be legally and financially responsible for, along with living a responsible lifestyle first, then worry about college. (The judge is probably going to lecture you along these lines, easier when you hear it here first)

another reason to get your insurance before you plead is that you can honestly say you have not been convicted of any driving offenses (that is this one anyway). They'll do a search now and that ticket won't appear since you have not been convicted...and they may not do a search when your insurance gets renewed...
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