Timing or vacuum?

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Master Mechanic
Jun 26, 2011
you have to keep calm with hot rods and custom built stuff. getting pissed is a sign to step away and think for a second. check your timing, check fuel pressure, vacuum seems a little low. is your manifold vacuum the same? what is your idle speed? Does it do it only when cold or only when hot? check for vacuum leaks around the intake. you can do this with a can of carb cleaner by spraying around intake and carb gaskets and vacuum lines.

just keep cool and think positive


Jan 14, 2013
has this always been a problem or is this just a new problem? Go back to the basics and check, wires, cap, distributor. Advance the timing slightly and see if that makes a difference. It make make it worse. If it does, retard it a little. Who knows if the cam was degreed in or not or what the cam grind is? It may be just trial and error but atleast you will be checking the basics. When it comes to performance motors I have seen some strange things. Seen a motor that wouldnt run right because who ever set the valves adjusted them to tight that the valves couldnt close. A performance motor never runs like a stock motor. Most times it is something simple but it takes time to find it. Just take your time and keep your cool.


Comic Book Super Hero
Nov 4, 2010
Bellevue, Ohio
What rpm is your idle set at? Rpm is gonna drop when you put it in gear and if it's already too low in park that could be your issue. I had this problem with my Holley. I ended up setting it at 850-900 rpm in park on idle. A quick way to rule it out would be turn the idle up then try putting it in gear. If it does the samething with the higher idle then you have eliminated that as a problem. No need to get frustrated.....it's only nuts and bolts :wink:
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