What a tragedy. Now some family is missing their brother/son/dad/grandpa who was just out enjoying his classic G-body. Could have been any of us on any given day. Because most people are *ssh*les, period. We drive carefully because we love out cars and most probably built them up from junkers. Not so with your average idiot who treats his car like a toaster over. Wrecked? So what? I got insurance. I deserve a new car anyway! I'm driving 45 years and I shake my head in bewilderment at the stupid stuff I see on the road nowadays. If the speed limit is 55 and we're all flying along at 70, WHY is some dick doing 90 and swerving from lane to lane?!? If there's 10 cars at a light, and you are in a hurry, why, just use the oncoming traffic lane to get ahead of everybody! After all, YOU shouldn't have to be inconvenienced at all by the millions of other cars on the road! Right? And don't get me started about drunks because I think drunk drivers should be shot right at the scene. As stated above, all this is just a reflection of a serious problem in society- a lack of respect, decency, and common sense that used to be expected but is just absent today.